Wednesday 16 November 2011

Iraqi government sets the stage for grave massacre at camp Ashraf
The Iraqi government intends to close the Camp Ashraf dossier at the end of the year. The Iraqi government deals the issue by providing them with two options. The first option is to voluntarily return to their country with guarantee from the United Nations and the Iranian party that has announced its readiness in this regard; and the second option is to find a third country.”

Concurrently, Abbas Bayati, an Iraqi Member of Parliament and ally to al-Maliki, announced: “The government’s decision based on closing down Camp Ashraf is irrevocable and will be implemented; the United Nations and European Union have also been notified of it.” He said, “this organization has three options: either return to their country and benefit from the public amnesty law; or a third country hosts them; or else the government will separate the camp and disperse them in various provinces, treating them as individuals and not as an organization.”
Read more:

Sunday 13 November 2011

Day 200 of Ashraf residents’ family members and supporters’ sit-in outside UN Headquarters – Geneva- International jurists, human rights advocates, Swiss political and parliamentary figures warn: Iraqi Government’s hindrances in UNHCR’s work at Ashraf is setting the stage for massacre of residents. On the 200th day of the Ashraf residents’ family members and supports’ sit-in in Geneva, in a press conference held in the city’s press club, prominent international jurists, human rights advocates and Swiss political and parliamentary figures strongly condemned the Iraqi Government’s illegal ultimatum to close down Camp Ashraf by the end of the year. They warned that at the behest of the Iranian regime, the Iraqi Government is resorting to various hindrances to prevent the UNHCR’s work at Ashraf in order to set the stage for the massacre of Ashraf residents.

Speakers at the press conference included: Geoffrey Robertson (QC), the British prominent jurist; and former Judge in the UN War Crimes Court in Sierra Leone; Prof. Eric David, President, Centre of International Law, the Free University of Brussels; Yves Bonnet, honorary Governor and former Chief of the French Counter-terrorism Organization (DST); Christiane Perregaux, co-president of the Constituent Assembly of the Council of Geneva; Jean-Charles Rielle and Eric Voruz, Members of the Swiss Federal Parliament; Gianfranco Fattorini, Co-Chair of Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP); Professor Alfred Zayas, senior legal advisor of High Commissioner for Human Rights for 22 years; and Mr. Abol-Qassem Rezai who spoke on behalf of the Ashraf residents’ family members. The Conference was presided by Eric Sotas, former President of the World Organization Against Torture and a prominent Swiss human rights figure.

The speakers stressed that following the petitions of each and every Camp Ashraf residents, the UNHCR took a positive step on 13 September in announcing it recognizes Ashraf residents as asylum seekers and calling for their rights to be respected. However, despite the passage of 50 days and with all the flexibility shown by the camp leadership and Ashraf residents, no practical measure has been taken in this regard due to the Iraqi government’s continuous stonewalling and obstructions at the behest of the Iranian regime.

The speakers emphasized the Iraqi government’s actual objective – which Tehran has enforced upon – is to kill time during the remaining 50 days by resorting to various tactics including the issue of the location of UNHCR interviews, or Ashraf residents not having the right to return to the camp after they leave Ashraf for interviews with the UNHCR. At the end of the year the Iraqi government is seeking to announce that the procedures have not progressed and the only solution is to close down the camp at all costs. This will mean the massacre of the defenseless Ashraf residents, a completely avertible humanitarian catastrophe.
Iranians Kept Behind Barriers: Cry Out For Democracy
K.Assai- OfficialWire
Facts sometimes revolve to be so terrifying that one might prefer to let them go and pass away without necessarily believing them. One such case is happening today in Iraq. Some 3400 women and men who are crying out for freedom and democracy from behind barriers in a camp called Ashraf, are under the threat of being massacred in less than 2 months. This time, there are warnings in advance of another case of genocide like Rwanda or Srebrenica
The people in the camp are intellectual and courageous Iranians who have decided to risk their lives in order to free their country. But they have been shackled and threatened to be massacred. Below are some facts about the situation of this camp:

Saturday 12 November 2011

اشرف اينك سرنهاده به پيمان ، درتلاطم طوفان ..راه و رسم ستيزش خون فشانيست..
باردگر آسمان وطن از خون تازه تندر ، زخم بال كبوتر ..ارغوانيست....
گوويم ازدل، بسلام و سرود، اي يلان بدرود ...
نغمه هاي شمايند ، چون چكاوه طوفان ، درسراسر ايران گشته جاري....
آيا .. نامه اعتراض خود را به اوباما نوشتيد؟؟ به پيلاي چطور؟؟ ايا اين نغمه هاي آزادي را به همه جا رسانديم؟ امروز چه اقدامي كرديم؟؟ ايا از لحظات براي دفاع از ”آزادي” و آزاد زيستن” كه همان نغمه اشرف پايدار است استفاده برديم؟؟ فراموش نكنيد 50 روز مانده است ...
ايا دوستان خود را به صفحه اشرف .. نامه نگاري دعوت كرديد؟ چقدر دراين راستا فعال بوديم؟
Iraq: Letter to the European Union’s Special Representative on Camp Ashraf
Re: Fear for the safety of Camp Ashraf’s residents
Your Excellency,
The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the largest Network of NGOs fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the world, welcomes your appointment as the European Union’s special representative on Camp Ashraf, and wishes to avail itself of this opportunity to express its deepest concern about the safety of Camp Ashraf’s residents, in Diyala province, 90 km north-east of Bagdad.
Camp Ashraf is home to 3,400 unarmed civilians, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI), an Iranian opposition group. In July 2004, Camp Ashraf residents were entitled as “protected persons” to the protections provided in the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949). The United States of America (USA) administration also signed an agreement with each resident to protect them until their final disposition. In January 2009, the USA handed the protection of Camp Ashraf over to the authorities of Iraq. However, despite guarantees by the Iraqi government, the camp has been raided on two occasions since 2009 in view of expulsing its residents and closing the camp. The attacks led to the deaths of 47 residents and hundreds of injured.
Read more :
OMCT: Iraq: Need to ensure the protection of the residents of Camp Ashraf
Iraq: Need to ensure the protection of the residents of Camp Ashraf
Geneva, 11 November 2011. The OMCT calls on the authorities of Iraq to ensure the full respect for the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf located in Iraq and on the international community to step up its efforts to prevent serious human rights violations and the forcible return of its residents to Iran in violation of the principle of non-refoulement.

“The deadline set by the Iraqi government to close Camp Ashraf by the end of 2011 without a safe solution for its residents, causes an acute risk of grave and serious human rights violations”, said Gerald Staberock, Secretary General of the OMCT.

read more:
LYONS: A matter of honor

America has a duty to protect Camp Ashraf residents from Iran’s vendetta

On Oct. 7, 1997, during the Clinton administration, the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (POMI/MEK) was designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The MEK represents the main opposition group to the Iranian theocracy and has been the source of key intelligence relating to Iran’s secret underground nuclear sites. According to a senior Clinton administration official, the designation of the MEK as a terrorist organization was intended as a “goodwill gesture” to Tehran and its newly elected “moderate” President Mohammad Khatami. Such a goodwill gesture coming on the heels of the Khobar Towers bombing in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, where we had proof of Iran’s involvement, resulting in the killing of 19 U.S. servicemen and the wounding of more than 500 was unbelievable

Read more:

Wednesday 9 November 2011

MEK-Nuclear: Mr. President It Is Not Too Late To Prevent Catastrophe
“American rulers… were expelled and thrown out of Iraq by the mighty hands of Iraqi people and Iraqi government… today… the ‘God’s front’ has reached doorsteps of the ‘evil’s front’… all Iraqi people, be it Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites are cleansing the Iraq’s territory from the enemy… today, the Islamic revolution pattern and political Islam pattern has proliferated …today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the focal point of the already initiated movement in the region and in the world. We say this to the US once again… Today, one person from the rest of the righteous fathers, remembrance of the martyrs and the sacred defense epics, being Haj Ghassem Soleimani, is enough to overwhelm you all.”

Saeed Jalili, Iranian Mullahs’ Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council- Friday November 4

Khamenei, the regime's Supreme Leader, has previously acknowledged on many occasions that the strategic depth of the religious fascism ruling Iran is in Lebanon, Palestine and other Middle East countries. Ahmadinejad has also reiterated with great pleasure that “God has granted Iran the fruits of the occupation of two neighbouring countries (Iraq and Afghanistan)," adding the clerical regime will fill the power vacuum in Iraq after US forces departure.

The Iranian opposition has repeatedly announced since the last two decades, that a python will never give birth to a dove, hence rejecting the abysmal policy of appeasement with the butchers in Tehran.

It is time, however, to act firmly and decisively towards the mullahs in Tehran. The first step is to support Camp Ashraf, home to 3400 pro-democracy dissidents, to be annihilated by December 31 at the behest of the Mullahs in Iran as announced by Maliki . President Obama has little time to prove his vow to American values to “protect Human Rights."

The second step is to send the right signal that would not be interpreted as a "weak sign" by Tehran and delist the pro-democratic movement MEK, which is an existential threat to the Mullahs in Iran and an anti-thesis to the regime.

This will only initiate a natural trend of "regime change" in Iran, expected years ago.

The Gale of Democratic change in the Middle East, as a matter of fact, began in Iran, only rejected by the US and EU. Had it been given the right momentum at the beginning; had the US delisted the PMOI/MEK and unleashed the magnitude of strength and dynamic potential of the pro-democratic and organised movement in Iran, the world would not have faced a “nuclear” Clerical regime.

Mullahs' pundits are still playing on the same tune using the anti-war postulate that has long been prelude to a rise in Human Right violations in Iran. It has been helping Tehran to continue playing with ant-war sentiments. This “trick” is useless today, since the Mullahs have proven to be better than gobbles in deception and the Art of demagogy.

Hypothetically if we had successfully defused all the pro-Mullah pundits in the Whitehouse and Capitol Hill, what would be the right election move for the President of the United States?

It would be to do exactly the unexpected by Tehran. The most courageous and expected act by Iranian masses: support democratic Change in Iran.

Help Ashraf and delist the PMOI/MEK.

This might be the only chance to compensate what is already lost in the abysmal “engagement policy” promoted by Iranian lobbies.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Write to President Obama before it is too late!!. Only 54 days left to bloody assault on Camp Ashraf by Maliki forces. Please let President Obama know your concerns. We never could stop Srebrenica, because we knew nothing about the plot, but we can stop the next one at Camp Ashraf. Iraqi Zibari and Maliki have announced they will attack camp at behest of the Mullahs' leader Khamenei. the Mullahs wish all the dissidents in that Camp dead. There are at least 1000 women and more than 1200 former political prisoners in that camp who escaped the 1980s massacres by the mullahs. This is the task the mullahs want finished by Maliki. Annihilation of all those who could tell the world of the massacres and tortures and the truth in Mullah's dungeons. Stop them before it is too late :

Saturday 5 November 2011

Presidentn Obama:Ashraf countdown to Genocide-- 53 Days away

President OBAMA: Prevent Genocide at Camp Ashraf

Ashraf countdown to Genocide...  - 53 Days 
 53 days left !! Have you writen a letter yet??

“We’ve got to do all we can to raise awareness of this so that people will know what is going on – but more importantly, so that the Iraqi Government knows that the world is watching”
Only before Christmas time ( less than 65 days away) more than 3,400 people face eviction from their home of 21 years in what Labour peer and civil liberties champion Lord Robin Corbett has described as ‘a pact with the devil’
Camp Ashraf, 60 miles northeast of Baghdad, is home to 3,400 members of Iran’s principal opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK). Some 1,000 of the residents are women and one-third are former political prisoners in Iran, who survived the Iranian regime’s reign of terror and found safe haven across the border. Hundreds of university graduates from the United States and Europe joined them in the campaign to establish a secular, democratic, and non-nuclear republic in Iran. In July 2004, the United States recognized the residents of Ashraf as “protected persons” under the Fourth Geneva Convention and signed an agreement with each resident to protect them until their final disposition. In violation of that commitment, the US handed over protection to Iraq in 2009.On April 8, 2011, Iraqi forces, acting at the behest of Tehran, attacked Ashraf, killing 36 and wounding hundreds more. In a similar assault in July 2009, eleven residents were killed.

My name is Shaghayegh, I am 14, at Camp Ashraf
Our City Ashraf has now been turned into a Concentration Camp by Al-Maliki forces.
It’s now more than 2 years we are under siege.

Last night was freezing, but our fuel is cut.
They threaten us 24 hours a day through 300 huge loudspeakers.
My brother said, the mullahs are helping them out.
I saw new huge black boxes next to the speakers. My brother said it’s a communication interceptor and they want to cut us off from the outside world. What does he mean?

President Obama,
I want to be free like your daughter. I want my friends to have the same chance in Iran. But the Mullahs kill anyone who is with us.
They want us all killed like Srebrenica
Will you save us?!  Is it my fault since I want the same thing my dad and my sister wished for; to be Free? They were both killed; my dad was killed by the mullahs, my sister: by Maliki forces. Will I be killed too?

Dear US president Obama,
Only you in this world can help us. Otherwise we will all be killed.
Tell Maliki to stop threatening us.

My mum said, Maliki just said they will do everything they like to push us out of our city Ashraf. They will kill us and say that we did not let them into our camp like the last time.

Mr President, I am scared!

The UN has already started work to grant the refugees status, but this is needs time.

President Obama
can intervene and impel the Iraqis to lift the illegal deadline

President OBAMA: Prevent Genocide at Camp Ashraf

The Clock is ticking!

In less than 53 days, 3400 defenseless civilians face a holocaust in refugee camp Ashraf