Sunday 6 November 2011

Write to President Obama before it is too late!!. Only 54 days left to bloody assault on Camp Ashraf by Maliki forces. Please let President Obama know your concerns. We never could stop Srebrenica, because we knew nothing about the plot, but we can stop the next one at Camp Ashraf. Iraqi Zibari and Maliki have announced they will attack camp at behest of the Mullahs' leader Khamenei. the Mullahs wish all the dissidents in that Camp dead. There are at least 1000 women and more than 1200 former political prisoners in that camp who escaped the 1980s massacres by the mullahs. This is the task the mullahs want finished by Maliki. Annihilation of all those who could tell the world of the massacres and tortures and the truth in Mullah's dungeons. Stop them before it is too late :

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