Tuesday 10 July 2012

MEK-Ashraf: State Departments’ Crying Shame

Relocation of more convoys from Ashraf has been halted due to failure of the Iraqi government to provide minimum humanitarian needs.

‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me’
The State department’s new low of sling mudding the main opposition to clerical tyrants in Iran (MEK), was not a surprise for wise men. The garbling of facts only put a spotlight on the departments’ malfeasant while helping us understand the numerous questions raised by the opposition (MEK) and Camp Ashraf residents:
How dangerous is one “CEMENT BAG” to US national security?

One of the items discussed during talks for MEK members in Camp Liberty has been concrete mix, which the residents wish to buy at their own expense in order to provide walking paths for the handicapped personnel who have been disabled by US provided Humvees and arms during the violent attack of Iraqi forces in 2011 and 2009. Surprising as it is, the US State Departments conduct; blackmailing the residents and offering basic rights in exchange for closure of Camp Ashraf, is a role model for “petty crime” and incredibly distant even for Political lows.
How irrelevant is a vehicle for disabled persons in a desert compound?
A guilty conscience needs no accuser: More than 1000 defenseless residents were seriously wounded and handicapped during the 2011 violent Iraqi attack on camp Ashraf. 24 majorities of houses of parliament’s world wide condemned the tragedy and questioned US role and pre-hand knowledge of the attack. The victims have been extremely contingent on International help to regain the minimum living conditions stipulated for a “human being” regardless of political factors. The US House Committee on Foreign Affairs impeached US negligence during the killings in 2011.
Daniel Benjamin, the State Department’s coordinator for counter-terrorism has garbled all tangible ground facts only to highlight US reluctance towards basic humanitarian laws, which seriously place it on the heavy side of “Lady Justice.” For hundreds seriously wounded and handicapped in 2011 by, deprivation of mobility is deprivation of freedom .
Displaying “minimum” humanitarian gesture by State Department officials would have only been to the advantage of the Obama Administration at times of a heated election campaign race.
In this particular case it seems that “Hawks” do “pick out hawks’ eyes”.
Is Water, food and shades to protect burning sun of 60 degrees centigrade in anyway undermining “Iraqi Sovereignty” and jeopardizing US interests?
2000 people crammed in temporary bungalows which set temperatures as high as 60 degrees Celsius under the sun, with no shades, no generators t or electricity to pump water, no cooling systems allowed, are ground facts concerning Camp Liberty.
All needs have been prevented artfully by Iraqi elements loyal to Tehran after “negotiations” observed by US-UN representatives. This, of course is to spare the “observers” embarrassment of the failure to obligate the Iraqis to commitments.
Chapter 3 of the MoU stipulates that the Iraqi government will respect and guarantee the humanitarian rights of the camp residents and that the Iraqi government will allow the residents to obtain, with their own funds, the basic necessities of the residents such as food, water, communication devices, hygiene commodities, and cleaning and maintenance tools. The residents have been deprived of needs since day one of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between UN and Iraq without their consent. The irony is the commitment displayed by residents to oblige the MoU and prevent the Maliki government from slick attempts to dupe US-UN observers on the ground of their constant breach of agreement.
Weeks of constant talks involving resident representatives and the UN-US-Iraqi counterparts over basic needs of Liberty residents have been grueling and acrimonious. The meetings have evidently been characterized by sly diplomatic intrigue, brutal arm twisting, pompous political grandstanding on Iraqi part and foul grandstand of the US State department. Needs of the residents, are expertly scrapped off the list when Iraqi elements forwards a new version of inconsistent ‘solutions’ and pretend to play in tune with expectations.
According to relatives of residents, items such as expensive power generators, bought by the residents are black listed whilst residents are asked to buy older versions from third countries.
The only radical assumption to this would be a grand preparation for a grand looting scheme in Camp Ashraf , after complete relocation of the residents and the delay of convoys to the new camp.
The residents’ list of “needs” is realistic in face of plots and ploys to “starve, dehydrate” and force residents to buckle under pressure.
Tehran, which has enormous political sway over Baghdad in the post-U.S. vacuum, is terrified at the thought of having MEK supporters on its doorstep. The two regimes therefore hatched a plan to massacre the 3,400 men, women and children who had made Ashraf their home or force them to surrender by the end of last year.
The role of the US however, is under International scrutiny.
The MEK and Ashraf residents are the litmus test for the US administration in the eye of all nations in the region. This was a clear message outspoken by delegations from the Middle East and the Horn of Africa who looked at the movement as the “key to peace and against Islamic fundamentalism.
The MEK seems to have delivered its good will gesture. The ball seems to be in US court.
How far is the Administration ready to go with tyrants?
Is Lady Liberty dying?

Saturday 30 June 2012

World Heroes Support MEK; We Will not Relent
The US State Department is best at toppling Heroes; According to Washington’s’ definition of a ‘terrorist’; George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela were terrorists./
With the US State Departments’ contentious defiance of the Rule of the law to delist MEK , the main question repeated is: Who are the terrorists? Those who are at the very center of an international network of terrorism, or those who are protesting at their activities and presenting the best revelations for the sake of International peace and security?
The astounding heroism of the movement is met with denial by the US State Department, partially out of fear and partly malfeasance.
The MEK’s activities have been painted with an unjustified brush of terrorism, thereby conflating instances of otherwise legitimate resistance against a tyrannical system with horrid acts of blind terrorism.
John F. Kennedy, underlined the benchmark in his inauguration speech; Taking responsibility alongside heroes.
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
The fallen hero of America saw a hero in all those who bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, rejoicing hope for millions, in a struggle “against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.” He embraced the values that America stood for with a cost, because heroes are set in the moment against a mutual enemy, and not in the past or hesitation of the future.
In a mutual article Gen. David Phillips, Col. Wesley Martin and Lt. Col. Leo McCloskey defined margins that distinguished the “hero” from the villain and the “friend” from the “foe”:
“The first and the most common interpretation is the need for leaders to understand the plans, intentions, and motives of an avowed adversary. The second meaning is more fundamental, and in many ways more crucial: know who is, in fact, your enemy – and who isn’t. The failure to detect a real enemy means not only diverting precious resources and attention from dealing with a threat; it can also mean mistaking a friend for a foe.”
Unfortunately, the staggering brazen orchestra of denial by the State department overwhelms any moral substance, while promoting judicial Machiavellianism.
Must Read iran press journalism World Heroes Support MEK; We Will not Relent http://bit.ly/OQVyAI
The US State Department is best at toppling Heroes; According to Washington’s’ definition of a ‘terrorist’; George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela were terrorists./
Starving and dehydrating MEK /Liberty residents: US-UN observers still silent/http://bit.ly/ONktE8
No food; No water policy of Iraqi government on Liberty; coupled by Iraqi officials’ claimed ‘no status’ of MEK residents in Camp: a prelude to massacre and in violation of the Geneva Convention and Iraqi law./
Iraqi officials recently used the US black listing of the Iranian pro-democracy group, MEK, as a green light to lay the plot for their massacre. The residents’ representatives have repeatedly asked UNAMI representatives to compel Iraq to abide by its commitments and demanded that the police inspect the food trucks, but this has been rejected by the Suppression Committee, which is acting on behalf of the Maliki office and at the behest of Tehran.
The disgrace of prevented entry to the European Parliament and United Nations’ at Geneva was paid off by the Iraqi delegation head, George Yacoub Bakoos, Deputy to the oppression committee for Ashraf, and Nouri al-Maliki’s Political Advisor.
The status of the residents have been asserted by Iraqi courts in a number of court rulings in 2005 and 2006 while the UN special representative Martin Kobler confirmed the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf according to international humanitarian laws during the UN Security Council meeting of December 6, 2011.
Two thousand residents of Camp Ashraf have been transferred to the new location considered by many International lawmakers as a “prison” set to deprive opposition members of basic needs and dissuade them from activities against Tehran.
According to the NCRI Statement the outcome of such claims and ploys only prove “the ‘Temporary Transit Location (TTL) project has failed” and continuing to impose restriction on members of the opposition in both camps serve the religious fascism ruling Iran “ in direct violation of the Iraqi laws, the Geneva Conventions, the MOU, the letters of Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG), the UNHCR statements, and rulings by the courts in Iraq, Europe.”
The recent maneuvered claim is the de facto abandoning of the MOU by the GOI and is setting the stage for massacre and growing suppression of the members of the Iranian opposition, based on the U.S. terror list.
Must Read iran press journalism Starving & Dehydrating Mullahs Opposition http://bit.ly/ONktE8
Starving and dehydrating MEK /Liberty residents: US-UN observers still silent/
No food; No water policy of Iraqi government on Liberty; coupled by Iraqi officials’ claimed ‘no status’ of MEK residents in Camp: a prelude to massacre and in violation of the Geneva Convention and Iraqi law./

Sunday 24 June 2012

MEK-NCRI: Largest Iranian pro-democracy Gathering- Yes To Key Opposition

500 prominent political personalities, parliamentarians and jurists from 40 countries and five continents demand basic rights for Liberty residents (MEK members); and formal recognition of NCRI
  • No more excuses. No more lies. We want action on Camp Ashraf/Liberty”-Vice President of the European Parliament Aleco-Vidal Quadras ,Villepinte
iran press @StateDept @whitehouse MEK-NCRI: Largest Iranian pro-democracy Gathering- Yes To Key Opposition http://bit.ly/PRZnm4 500 politicians,100000 crowd

Friday 15 June 2012

USCCAR condemns UNAMI CHIEF conduct over MEK Liberty:demands UN neutrality and obligations to Refugees in camp


On behalf of thousands of Iranian-Americans whose loved ones are in camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq, the US Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR) strongly condemns the mounting pressure exerted on the 3,200 Iranian dissidents in Iraq by UN Secretary-General's Special Representative, Martin Kobler.

His actions and words have only served the murderous regime in Iran and the Nuri al-Maliki government in Iraq, which has been doing the bidding of Tehran. 

USCCAR condemns UNAMI CHIEF conduct over MEK Liberty:demands UN neutrality and obligations to Refugees in camp http://bit.ly/KrWlpb

MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran

International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.


72 years ago today, General Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the French Resistance, announced the start of resistance against Nazism while in exile. His voice still resonates today in the Iranian resistance: “Whatever happens, the flames of resistance must not be and will not be extinguished.”

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along in its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:

MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran

International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.


72 years ago today, General Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the French Resistance, announced the start of resistance against Nazism while in exile. His voice still resonates today in the Iranian resistance: “Whatever happens, the flames of resistance must not be and will not be extinguished.”

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along in its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:

MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran

International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.


72 years ago today, General Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the French Resistance, announced the start of resistance against Nazism while in exile. His voice still resonates today in the Iranian resistance: “Whatever happens, the flames of resistance must not be and will not be extinguished.”

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along in its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:

MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran

International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.


72 years ago today, General Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the French Resistance, announced the start of resistance against Nazism while in exile. His voice still resonates today in the Iranian resistance: “Whatever happens, the flames of resistance must not be and will not be extinguished.”

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along in its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:

MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran http://bit.ly/LBk5Xc
By: S.Sistani -
International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.....
The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along in its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:The only pathway for a rational and practical solution for the Iranian crisis is a democratic change brought about by the people and their organized resistance.-
For years, the resistance group has engaged its human, financial, and organizational resources in making this reality a fact for hallucinated pundits and policy makers who have taken the credit for prolonging the regime’s rule for two more decades. Despite their complicity in crimes committed by this regime, these policy makers have failed to provide it with legitimacy and stability it should gain from a public and popular vote.
The message has been crystal clear:
-It has been proven that a viper will never give birth to a dove, meaning that this regime cannot be reformed and the notion of moderation within the velayat-e faqih regime [absolute clerical rule] is a mere myth.
-It has been proven that no alternatives can be found within the ruling theocracy, and during an endless cycle of eliminating its splinters and increasingly closing its ranks, the regime is devouring its own factions, just as it has weakened; Moussav; Rafsanjan; Khatami, and even Ahmadinejad.
-It has been proven that this regime is demagogic and inhumane; that it cannot stay in power without committing torture, execution and hangings without war and export of crisis and terrorism.
- It has been proven that it will not tolerate any submission to neutralizing its quest for the nuclear arsenal and with the masterly sleight of hand will use every tactic to buy time and complete its objective.
The regime’s pleas for incentives, appeasement, and conciliation, as well as the terrorist designation coupled with bloody attacks on its main opposition (a multi-billion dollar smear campaign and mobilization of all pro-ayatollah pundits to fabricating mystery stories against its’ most serious opponents), has acted as a lever to forestall the tide of change that would have brought the mullahs’ downfall. However, it has not extinguished the flame of resistance.
Last year, according to participants, at least 90,000 people gathered in Villepinte-Paris, France. The gathering hosted a spectacular platform of unity in the presence of hundreds of politicians and parliamentarians from Europe, America, and the Middle East.The declaration of support of 4000 parliamentarians’ majorities of 30 parliaments, 5000 mayors in Europe, and 3000 religious emissaries from Europe and the United States were among the list of achievements announced to the gathering..
This year, the occasion is on June 23 with a broader agenda to declare support for the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of their charismatic leader Maryam Rajavi.
It will be the most glamorous and unique congregation of anti-fundamentalist, pro-democratic elements worldwide.
The grandeur of the 2011 gathering was explained by Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff from 2001-2006 as a great reflection of support for the Iranian Resistance (PMOI);
“It is truly time for the people all over the world who care about democracy to stand with the Iranian people and the PMOI in the struggle for democracy.”
Henri Leclerc, prominent European Attorney, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights highlighted one major letdown in his speech:
“It was a disgrace to treat those who fulfill their right to resist against a tyrannical regime as terrorists. I would like to address President Obama from here and say: Yes, Mr. Obama, for some time, you were an example of the American Dream for us here. We believe that the people of the United States are not complicit in crimes. But, you cannot keep the residents of Ashraf on the terror list and thereby provide an excuse for their deaths.They are the representatives and spokespersons for all resistance activists everywhere. We must end labeling them as terrorists, and we must support the Iranian people with all our might. It is with certainty that they will attain their freedom.”
You are invited iran iranelection press :MEK June 23 VillePinte Convention- Support Democracy In Iran http://bit.ly/LBk5Xc

Friday 1 June 2012

iran Obama Court- St.Dept must delist MEK- June 23 Paris Trans-Atlantic Convention Will Support Democracy In Iran http://bit.ly/JF7ker
By S.Sistani
International decry over malfeasance in US State Department over the FTO listing of MEK; endangering lives of thousands in Camp Liberty and Iran, demanding Camp liberty recognized as Refugee Camp.
In a writ, the US Federal Court of Appeal in Washington asked the US Secretary of State today to review the FTO designation of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) within four months after this issuance of this writ adding "Should the Secretary fail to take action within the four-month period, the petition for writ of mandamus setting aside the FTO designation will be granted".
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance described today's ruling of the Washington Court of Appeal as victory of Justice over collusion and appeasement which ended the 15-year-long unjust terror label. “This illegitimate label has been for the past 15 years the key factor in helping the religious fascism ruling Iran to maintain power; it has caused two massacres in Ashraf, execution and arrest of many members and supporters of the PMOI/MEK and the Iranian resistance inside Iran as well as the cruel restrictions against Iranian Americans in the United States. Today, it is still being used as a leverage by the Iranian regime and the Iraqi government to suppress the residents of Ashraf and Liberty.”
iran press Court- St.Dept must delist MEK- June 23 Paris Trans-Atlantic Convention Will Support Democracy In Iran http://bit.ly/L9jI6L

Thursday 31 May 2012

Trans-Atlantic Convention: De-list MEK-Support Iranian Opposition For Democracy

Officalwire By Sadegh Sistani

World gathering in Paris-Villepinte on June 23, to support the Iranian resistance: MEK must be de-listed, Camp Liberty must be announced as Refugee Camp and protected from clerical ploys.

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran

The group has repeated one message all along its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran: 
The only pathway for a rational and practical solution for the Iranian crisis is a democratic change brought about by the people and their organized resistance.

This call has been echoed recently in a statement released by the International Committee In Search of Justice, composed of 4000 Parliamentarians; the Bahrain Parliament and the Dutch Senate.
For years, the resistance group has engaged its human, financial and organizational resources in making this reality a fact for hallucinated pundits and policy makers who have taken the credit for prolonging the regime’s rule for two more decades. Despite their complicity in crimes committed by this regime, these policy makers have failed to provide it with legitimacy and stability it should gain from a public and popular vote.

The message has been crystal clear:
-It has been proven that a viper will never give birth to a dove, meaning that this regime cannot be reformed and the notion of moderation within the velayat-e faqih regime [absolute clerical rule] is a mere myth.
-It has been proven that no alternatives can be found within the ruling theocracy and during  an endless cycle of eliminating its splinters and increasingly closing its ranks, the regime is devouring its own factions, just as it has weakened; Moussav;Rafsanjan;Khatami and even Ahmadinejad.
-It has been proven that this regime is demagogic and inhumane; that it cannot stay in power without committing torture, execution and hangings; without war and export of crisis and terrorism.
- It has been proven that it will not tolerate any submission to neutralizing its quest for the nuclear arsenal and with the masterly sleight of hand will use every tactic to buy time and complete its objective. 
Last year according to participants, at least 90,000 people gathered in Villepinte-Paris, France. The gathering hosted a spectacular platform of unity in the presence of hundreds of politicians and parliamentarians from Europe, America and the Middle East. The declaration of support of 4000 parliamentarians’ majorities of 30 parliaments, 5000 mayors in Europe and 3000 religious emissaries from Europe and the United States were among the list of achievements announced to the gathering..

This year the occasion is on June 23 with a broader agenda to declare support for the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of their charismatic leader Maryam Rajavi.
It will be the most glamorous and unique congregation of anti-fundamentalist, pro-democratic elements worldwide. 
The grandeur of the 2011gathering was explained by Andrew card, White House Chief of Staff (2001-2006) as a great reflection of support for the Iranian Resistance (PMOI);
 “It is truly time for the people all over the world who care about democracy to stand with the Iranian people and the PMOI in the struggle for democracy.”

Henri Leclerc, prominent European Attorney, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights highlighted one major letdown in his speech ;
“It was a disgrace to treat those who fulfill their right to resist against a tyrannical regime as terrorists. I would like to address President Obama from here and say: Yes, Mr. Obama, for some time, you were an example of the American Dream for us here. We believe that the people of the United States are not complicit in crimes. But, you cannot keep the residents of Ashraf on the terror list and thereby provide an excuse for their deaths. They are the representatives and spokespersons for all resistance activists everywhere. We must end labeling them as terrorists, and we must support the Iranian people with all our might. It is with certainty that they will attain their freedom.”

Trans-Atlantic Convention: De-list MEK-Support Iranian Opposition For Democracy

Officalwire By Sadegh Sistani

World gathering in Paris-Villepinte on June 23, to support the Iranian resistance: MEK must be de-listed, Camp Liberty must be announced as Refugee Camp and protected from clerical ploys.

The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran

The group has repeated one message all along its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran: 
The only pathway for a rational and practical solution for the Iranian crisis is a democratic change brought about by the people and their organized resistance.

This call has been echoed recently in a statement released by the International Committee In Search of Justice, composed of 4000 Parliamentarians; the Bahrain Parliament and the Dutch Senate.
For years, the resistance group has engaged its human, financial and organizational resources in making this reality a fact for hallucinated pundits and policy makers who have taken the credit for prolonging the regime’s rule for two more decades. Despite their complicity in crimes committed by this regime, these policy makers have failed to provide it with legitimacy and stability it should gain from a public and popular vote.

The message has been crystal clear:
-It has been proven that a viper will never give birth to a dove, meaning that this regime cannot be reformed and the notion of moderation within the velayat-e faqih regime [absolute clerical rule] is a mere myth.
-It has been proven that no alternatives can be found within the ruling theocracy and during  an endless cycle of eliminating its splinters and increasingly closing its ranks, the regime is devouring its own factions, just as it has weakened; Moussav;Rafsanjan;Khatami and even Ahmadinejad.
-It has been proven that this regime is demagogic and inhumane; that it cannot stay in power without committing torture, execution and hangings; without war and export of crisis and terrorism.
- It has been proven that it will not tolerate any submission to neutralizing its quest for the nuclear arsenal and with the masterly sleight of hand will use every tactic to buy time and complete its objective. 
Last year according to participants, at least 90,000 people gathered in Villepinte-Paris, France. The gathering hosted a spectacular platform of unity in the presence of hundreds of politicians and parliamentarians from Europe, America and the Middle East. The declaration of support of 4000 parliamentarians’ majorities of 30 parliaments, 5000 mayors in Europe and 3000 religious emissaries from Europe and the United States were among the list of achievements announced to the gathering..

This year the occasion is on June 23 with a broader agenda to declare support for the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of their charismatic leader Maryam Rajavi.
It will be the most glamorous and unique congregation of anti-fundamentalist, pro-democratic elements worldwide. 
The grandeur of the 2011gathering was explained by Andrew card, White House Chief of Staff (2001-2006) as a great reflection of support for the Iranian Resistance (PMOI);
 “It is truly time for the people all over the world who care about democracy to stand with the Iranian people and the PMOI in the struggle for democracy.”

Henri Leclerc, prominent European Attorney, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights highlighted one major letdown in his speech ;
“It was a disgrace to treat those who fulfill their right to resist against a tyrannical regime as terrorists. I would like to address President Obama from here and say: Yes, Mr. Obama, for some time, you were an example of the American Dream for us here. We believe that the people of the United States are not complicit in crimes. But, you cannot keep the residents of Ashraf on the terror list and thereby provide an excuse for their deaths. They are the representatives and spokespersons for all resistance activists everywhere. We must end labeling them as terrorists, and we must support the Iranian people with all our might. It is with certainty that they will attain their freedom.”

Trans-Atlantic Convention: De-list MEK-Support Iranian Opposition For Democracy-Sadegh Sistani
World gathering in Paris-Villepinte on June 23, to support the Iranian resistance: MEK must be de-listed, Camp Liberty must be announced as Refugee Camp and protected from clerical ploys.
The past three decades have been the most turbulent in the Middle East. The eye of the storm has been Iran. The main element that can capsize the balance for Peace in the region is a pro-democratic group (MEK), feared by Tehran. The group has repeated one message all along its epic struggle against the religious fascists in Iran:
The only pathway for a rational and practical solution for the Iranian crisis is a democratic change brought about by the people and their organized resistance.This call has been echoed recently in a statement released by the International Committee In Search of Justice, composed of 4000 Parliamentarians; the Bahrain Parliament and the Dutch Senate.
or years, the resistance group has engaged its human, financial and organizational resources in making this reality a fact for hallucinated pundits and policy makers who have taken the credit for prolonging the regime’s rule for two more decades. Despite their complicity in crimes committed by this regime, these policy makers have failed to provide it with legitimacy and stability it should gain from a public and popular vote.

The message has been crystal clear:
-It has been proven that a viper will never give birth to a dove, meaning that this regime cannot be reformed and the notion of moderation within the velayat-e faqih regime [absolute clerical rule] is a mere myth.
-It has been proven that no alternatives can be found within the ruling theocracy and during an endless cycle of eliminating its splinters and increasingly closing its ranks, the regime is devouring its own factions, just as it has weakened; Moussav;Rafsanjan;Khatami and even Ahmadinejad.
-It has been proven that this regime is demagogic and inhumane; that it cannot stay in power without committing torture, execution and hangings; without war and export of crisis and terrorism.
- It has been proven that it will not tolerate any submission to neutralizing its quest for the nuclear arsenal and with the masterly sleight of hand will use every tactic to buy time and complete its objective.
Last year according to participants, at least 90,000 people gathered in Villepinte-Paris, France. The gathering hosted a spectacular platform of unity in the presence of hundreds of politicians and parliamentarians from Europe, America and the Middle East. The declaration of support of 4000 parliamentarians’ majorities of 30 parliaments, 5000 mayors in Europe and 3000 religious emissaries from Europe and the United States were among the list of achievements announced to the gathering..

This year the occasion is on June 23 with a broader agenda to declare support for the Iranian Resistance under the leadership of their charismatic leader Maryam Rajavi.
It will be the most glamorous and unique congregation of anti-fundamentalist, pro-democratic elements worldwide.
The grandeur of the 2011gathering was explained by Andrew card, White House Chief of Staff (2001-2006) as a great reflection of support for the Iranian Resistance (PMOI);
“It is truly time for the people all over the world who care about democracy to stand with the Iranian people and the PMOI in the struggle for democracy.”

Henri Leclerc, prominent European Attorney, Honorary President of the League of Human Rights highlighted one major letdown in his speech ;
“It was a disgrace to treat those who fulfill their right to resist against a tyrannical regime as terrorists. I would like to address President Obama from here and say: Yes, Mr. Obama, for some time, you were an example of the American Dream for us here. We believe that the people of the United States are not complicit in crimes. But, you cannot keep the residents of Ashraf on the terror list and thereby provide an excuse for their deaths. They are the representatives and spokespersons for all resistance activists everywhere. We must end labeling them as terrorists, and we must support the Iranian people with all our might. It is with certainty that they will attain their freedom.”
MUST Read http://bit.ly/NmuW6a iran press Trans-Atlantic Convention: De-list MEK-Support Iranian Opposition For Democracy-Sadegh Sistani
World gathering in Paris-Villepinte on June 23, to support the Iranian resistance: MEK must be de-listed, Camp Liberty must be announced as Refugee Camp and protected from clerical ploys.The only pathway for a rational and practical solution for the Iranian crisis is a democratic change brought about by the people and their organized resistance.This call has been echoed recently in a statement released by the International Committee In Search of Justice, composed of 4000 Parliamentarians; the Bahrain Parliament and the Dutch Senate.

Thursday 26 April 2012

(@bl) Outrageous Liars Slander MEK: Still Main Threat To Ayatollahs
MUST read Biggest liars work with Iran http://bit.ly/IELJz3 for complete article
Officialwire columnist:
These days, blaspheming MEK has opened prospects of a SEO marketing carrier for some, and a hobby for others. ParrotingTehran’s outdated lie is not the only insult to injury for respected journalists, but serving as enslaved docile pen-pals to the worst enemy of humanity is obnoxious..
“The bigger the lie the more prone to be believed” is the outline for a round-the-clock competition in a mud sliding campaign against the MEK, most probably groomed by Tehran, that outsmarts the famous World's Biggest Liar annual competition in Cumbria, England.
The moral George Washington was brave enough to say, “I cannot tell a Lie” while Mark Twain concluded “Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."
Why is there such enormous gap of values between today’s’ American principals and that of their icons?
The answer is profoundly simple: The clerical fascists are at work in Tehran.
We will go over some of the most colossal and significant lies on the MEK and their tragic results. Of course, such a list cannot be comprehensive since most of the victims of this atrocious hobby have not lived to tell the truth. It is said that the truth will set one free.
The first grand liar was the founder of the present Iranian government Khomeini (1). When inParisin 1978, he equivocated a vague future forIranand lied about his plot to establish a theocratic jurisprudence and said, “when the Shah is gone, I will go back toQom," implying that he would retire. When the MEK foiled his plot in an interview in keyhan- February 1979- revealing, “the intentions to derail the trend of change under the name of fighting communism for Islam," Khomeini called them “hypocrites."
n a letter to the UN special reporter, a former deserter of MEK who was repatriated by the Iranian Intelligence service called Tafrashi wrote of his ordeal. “They approached all those who separated from the MEK. They would finally recruit them. We were to focus on a smear campaign against the organization. They said in order to show neutrality we should once in while lash out againstTehran, but hit harder against the group.”
These instructions formed the foundations of a smearing policy by the mullah’s Intelligence agency, today advocated by Seymour Hersh, the Rubins and their off-springs.
As reflected in my previous articles, ethical journalism is diminishing. Noble journalism that once reflected the truth, remains as an asset for those writers who never bent to ego and Machiavellist journalism.(5)
One such example was a Washington Post article that clarified the truth about chimes involving the MEK in US military personnel assassination. (4)
A partial list of spectacular lies is proof of the complicated challenge facing professional journalism in defying cheap journalism:
n the life staking struggle by residents incampAshrafand their leaders, an International campaign involving the European Union, The Security Council members and the United Nations is evading bloodshed on the behest ofTehranby Iraqi forces. A long term peaceful relocation of the refugees (some members of MEK) to their countries is planned after they undergo UN registration procession.
The goodwill gesture of the residents and their leadership for a volunteered relocation to camp liberty has been applauded as courageous by high ranking US officials and their European Colleagues.(10) The new location is a looted garrison, only one sixtieth of the area of their owned town Ashraf, with no basic foundations such as; portal water, electricity, sewage system.
Regardless of the unequivocal control of the Iraqi forces over living conditions of the residents, we are faced with magnified lies, no doubt cycled by the ayatollahs to impair the residents’ relocation to other countries.
-TabnakState-run news reported 58 residents “escaped Ashraf” for freedom. This is while all 3455 residents have already registered their applications with the UNHCR and are under the supervision of the UN. Earlier, the residents announced the number of casualties by Iraqi attacks and suppressive measures to be 45 people. The claimed 58 escapees were never verified.
- During the 14-month total siege of the groups’ residency ‘Ashraf’, which made any contact with the residents impossible, Iranian press claimed MEK women had carried out a kamikaze operation inBaghdad. Lawyers, families of the residents along with diplomats had complained they were not allowed visits to the camp, and the residents were practically imprisoned by Iraqi forces.
- On March 28, after a group of Ashraf residents had voluntarily relocated to the newcampLiberty, the half a kilometer residential area was attacked by mortars, whileBaghdadwas on maximum security alert for the Arab Summit. The Iranian state run Khorasan newspaper, December 27, 2011, attributed the attack to the MEK.
- As the forth group of residents were preparing for relocation toCampLiberty, the Iraqi SWAT brigade attacked residents who have already agreed to refrain from retaliation as a goodwill gesture. They were abiding the MoU signed by UNAMI and Iraq which legally allows their portable belongings transferred to the new compound. This was prevented by Iraqi forces by force.(11) At the moment armored vehicles,(12) numerous police inspection posts, eavesdropping devices around the small compound and the legal presence of Iranian Intelligence agents at their doorsteps, have transitioned liberty into a prison camp.
The irony of it all is the victims are blamed for “being beaten, attacked by mortars and hampering the relocation process”.
Villains are let loose while the victims are chained.
MUST read Biggest liars work with Iran http://bit.ly/IELJz3 for complete article Outrageous Liars Slander MEK: Still Main Threat To Ayatollahs Officialwire columnist: These days, blaspheming MEK has opened prospects of a SEO marketing carrier for some, and a hobby for others. ParrotingTehran’s outdated lie is not the only insult to injury for respected journalists, but serving as enslaved docile pen-pals to the worst enemy of humanity is obnoxious..

Outrageous Liars Slander MEK: Still Main Threat To Ayatollahs

MUST read Biggest liars work with Iran http://bit.ly/IELJz3 for complete article-Officialwire columnist-
These days, blaspheming MEK has opened prospects of a SEO marketing carrier for some, and a hobby for others. ParrotingTehran’s outdated lie is not the only insult to injury for respected journalists, but serving as enslaved docile pen-pals to the worst enemy of humanity is obnoxious..
“The bigger the lie the more prone to be believed” is the outline for a round-the-clock competition in a mud sliding campaign against the MEK, most probably groomed by Tehran, that outsmarts the famous World's Biggest Liar annual competition in Cumbria, England.
The moral George Washington was brave enough to say, “I cannot tell a Lie” while Mark Twain concluded “Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."
Why is there such enormous gap of values between today’s’ American principals and that of their icons?
The answer is profoundly simple: The clerical fascists are at work in Tehran.
We will go over some of the most colossal and significant lies on the MEK and their tragic results. Of course, such a list cannot be comprehensive since most of the victims of this atrocious hobby have not lived to tell the truth. It is said that the truth will set one free.
The first grand liar was the founder of the present Iranian government Khomeini (1). When inParisin 1978, he equivocated a vague future forIranand lied about his plot to establish a theocratic jurisprudence and said, “when the Shah is gone, I will go back toQom," implying that he would retire. When the MEK foiled his plot in an interview in keyhan- February 1979- revealing, “the intentions to derail the trend of change under the name of fighting communism for Islam," Khomeini called them “hypocrites."
n a letter to the UN special reporter, a former deserter of MEK who was repatriated by the Iranian Intelligence service called Tafrashi wrote of his ordeal. “They approached all those who separated from the MEK. They would finally recruit them. We were to focus on a smear campaign against the organization. They said in order to show neutrality we should once in while lash out againstTehran, but hit harder against the group.”
These instructions formed the foundations of a smearing policy by the mullah’s Intelligence agency, today advocated by Seymour Hersh, the Rubins and their off-springs.
As reflected in my previous articles, ethical journalism is diminishing. Noble journalism that once reflected the truth, remains as an asset for those writers who never bent to ego and Machiavellist journalism.(5)
One such example was a Washington Post article that clarified the truth about chimes involving the MEK in US military personnel assassination. (4)
A partial list of spectacular lies is proof of the complicated challenge facing professional journalism in defying cheap journalism:
n the life staking struggle by residents incampAshrafand their leaders, an International campaign involving the European Union, The Security Council members and the United Nations is evading bloodshed on the behest ofTehranby Iraqi forces. A long term peaceful relocation of the refugees (some members of MEK) to their countries is planned after they undergo UN registration procession.
The goodwill gesture of the residents and their leadership for a volunteered relocation to camp liberty has been applauded as courageous by high ranking US officials and their European Colleagues.(10) The new location is a looted garrison, only one sixtieth of the area of their owned town Ashraf, with no basic foundations such as; portal water, electricity, sewage system.
Regardless of the unequivocal control of the Iraqi forces over living conditions of the residents, we are faced with magnified lies, no doubt cycled by the ayatollahs to impair the residents’ relocation to other countries.
-TabnakState-run news reported 58 residents “escaped Ashraf” for freedom. This is while all 3455 residents have already registered their applications with the UNHCR and are under the supervision of the UN. Earlier, the residents announced the number of casualties by Iraqi attacks and suppressive measures to be 45 people. The claimed 58 escapees were never verified.
- During the 14-month total siege of the groups’ residency ‘Ashraf’, which made any contact with the residents impossible, Iranian press claimed MEK women had carried out a kamikaze operation inBaghdad. Lawyers, families of the residents along with diplomats had complained they were not allowed visits to the camp, and the residents were practically imprisoned by Iraqi forces.
- On March 28, after a group of Ashraf residents had voluntarily relocated to the newcampLiberty, the half a kilometer residential area was attacked by mortars, whileBaghdadwas on maximum security alert for the Arab Summit. The Iranian state run Khorasan newspaper, December 27, 2011, attributed the attack to the MEK.
- As the forth group of residents were preparing for relocation toCampLiberty, the Iraqi SWAT brigade attacked residents who have already agreed to refrain from retaliation as a goodwill gesture. They were abiding the MoU signed by UNAMI and Iraq which legally allows their portable belongings transferred to the new compound. This was prevented by Iraqi forces by force.(11) At the moment armored vehicles,(12) numerous police inspection posts, eavesdropping devices around the small compound and the legal presence of Iranian Intelligence agents at their doorsteps, have transitioned liberty into a prison camp.
The irony of it all is the victims are blamed for “being beaten, attacked by mortars and hampering the relocation process”.
Villains are let loose while the victims are chained.
Outrageous Liars Slander MEK: Still Main Threat To Ayatollahs
Officialwire columnist:
These days, blaspheming MEK has opened prospects of a SEO marketing carrier for some, and a hobby for others. ParrotingTehran’s outdated lie is not the only insult to injury for respected journalists, but serving as enslaved docile pen-pals to the worst enemy of humanity is obnoxious..
“The bigger the lie the more prone to be believed” is the outline for a round-the-clock competition in a mud sliding campaign against the MEK, most probably groomed by Tehran, that outsmarts the famous World's Biggest Liar annual competition in Cumbria, England.
The moral George Washington was brave enough to say, “I cannot tell a Lie” while Mark Twain concluded “Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't."
Why is there such enormous gap of values between today’s’ American principals and that of their icons?
The answer is profoundly simple: The clerical fascists are at work in Tehran.
We will go over some of the most colossal and significant lies on the MEK and their tragic results. Of course, such a list cannot be comprehensive since most of the victims of this atrocious hobby have not lived to tell the truth. It is said that the truth will set one free.
MUST read Biggest liars work with Iran http://bit.ly/IELJz3 for complete article

Wednesday 4 April 2012

MEK: Do Not Enchain Iranian Peoples' Hope For Freedom

MEK: Do Not Enchain Iranian Peoples' Hope For Freedom

Favoring Mullahs Lobbies to American Rich Values
by S। Azad

(5PR Media)

David Amess, a prominent British member of parliament in an article wrote:

“The State Department is playing a dirty game. Anyone bold enough to express concern about dubious actions of the State Department regarding the PMOI(MEK) is chased by the Treasury, and yet the State Department expects the Iranian Diaspora to express openly its support for the PMOI. What an irony. Inside Iran, anyone daring to support them, if caught, would be sent to the gallows almost instantly. Now in the U.S., that seems to be the case, too. A different kind of gallows – defamation.”

Wide arrays of knowledgeable persons have recognized that there is no justification for MEK’s continued presence on the FTO list.

In Europe alone 4000 parliamentarians from four continents appealed to the US for a change of attitude towards Iran’s main opposition movement in 24 officially votes statements.

An array of former American administrative, military and state officials, including a former Attorney General, FBI director, Homeland Security Secretary, two CIA directors, three former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a former NATO commander, two former US envoys to the UN, President Obama’s ex-National Security Advisor, and political heavyweights Howard Dean, Rudi Giuliani, and Patrick Kennedy support the call for the de-listing of the MEK.

In the Iranian New Year Nowrouz celebrations last week, in the European parliament, Mr. Struan Stevensson President of European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq said:“It is disgraceful that the US continues to maintain the PMOI-NCRI on the US State Department black list. This is used continually by the Iraqi government as an excuse to attack and persecute these innocent people. Now the State Department facing yet another demand by the American courts has come up with the lame excuse that Hilary Clinton has been too busy traveling around the world to have time to consider this issue.”

Mr. Jim Higgins, a member of the European parliament's Bureau from Ireland said: “Unfortunately, the story today is a sad one when the United States seem to have decided to turn a blind eye.”

The Italian senator Lucio Malan expressed his and his colleagues support for the main Iranian opposition MEK and said that both in the House of Deputies and in the Senate advocate the resistance and have declared their support for protection and rights of Ashraf residents on many occasions. The senator rejected recent smear campaigns of US supporters of the MEK and said : “This is unfortunately happening in the U.S. right now at the cost of discrediting some of the most trusted and trustworthy former officials of that nation who are brave men known for speaking out the truth and opposing injustice. They are following the path of the great heroes of American history. I deeply admire them. And I want to tell them on behalf of my Italian colleagues that we join our hands with yours and we join our voices to yours for the protection of the Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty residents.”

In an article David Amess, the prominent British member of Parliament while greeting the Iranian New year wrote: “I have been a supporter of the residents of Ashraf (and now in camp Liberty) for more than 20 years; I stand with them today. The pro-Iranian lobby in the U.S. is trying to smear brave American politicians, military officials, and human rights activists who have been defending our course. We were honored to have a number of these officials with us on our panel. Some in the American government claim the PMOI does not have the support of the people of Iran. This is their justification for the continued unjust designation - and what an absurd justification, as well as a totally untrue claim.”

MEK was classified as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” (FTO) (1) during the Clinton administration at the request of the Iranian government in a futile effort to placate the mullahs in Tehran whom Clinton believed were open to negotiations

Today, the organization has strong bipartisan support in both the U.S. House (2) and Senate.(3) The poisonous “terror tag” has been removed by both the United Kingdom (4) and the European Union by 22 court orders and 3 main High EU courts.

The inclusion of the MEK in the State Department list of terrorist organizations was a “goodwill gesture” by the Clinton administration to then newly elected President Mohammad Khatami. Martin Indyk, Assistant Secretary of State of Near Eastern Affairs at the time MEK was blacklisted, told Newsweek on September 26, 2002, “... [There] was White House interest in opening up a dialogue with the Iranian government. At the time, President Khatami had recently been elected and was seen as a moderate. Top Administration officials saw cracking down on the [PMOI], which the Iranians had made clear they saw as a menace, as one way to do so.”

Putting Iranian politics' considerations parallel to those concerning foreign terrorist organizations is unethical in the first place, and is detrimental to US anti terrorist policy in the second. At the end, it undermines democratic principles of coherent state behavior.

Tehran’s regime is the world’s first sponsor of State terrorism, according to State Department’s categorical definitions. Listing the main opposition movement to the same regime in the FTO list sends a wrong signal to all parties. It suggests that everything, including FTO lists, can be subject to opportunistic bargaining when it comes to short or middle term political interests.

Even if we were putting foreign policy considerations first, the worst policy is to continue a failed policy with no reason. Mohammed Khatami never delivered the promised “reforms”. On the other hand, the engagement policy or “walking behind” has only emboldened the ruthless clerics in Tehran. It has permitted them to quietly construct their array of enrichment centrifuges needed to produce more than necessary enriched uranium to bring the country close to making its first Bomb, creating one the most serious foreign policy challenges of all US administrations thereafter.

The brutal regime in power in Iran has definitely not changed its behavior, nor has the State Department in listing the MEK.

In a Paris conference Lieutenant Colonel Leo McCloskey who served at camp Ashraf,Iraq for 13 months said MEK is not a terrorist organization:“ The people of Ashraf are not terrorists. They are people trying to be a symbol of courage, as you are in here. They have willingly undergone years of isolation in a very difficult environment. They have cooperated with the United States military, U.S. embassy, UNHCR, International Red Cross, the government of Iraq. They have demonstrated that they’re willing to go to the extremes to help out the situation, as they’ve done now with the people that have moved to Liberty in the hope that by moving there they would find freedom. But they’re not finding that.”

The MEK is not a terrorist organization. It has neither the intent nor ability to engage in terrorism or terrorist activity.

Smearing the main opposition to the Clerical dictatorship in Iran, the MEK, is not only unjust to the people of Iran, who thirst for freedom, but it is an injustice to the notion of peace and stability in the Middle East and security of our world.

The FTO list is an important tool in combating terrorism, but its designations must stand to reason. If due process is completed in an impartial and objective manner and not influenced by the likes of an unsubstantiated, amateurish cut-and-paste job like the LHM, then it would lead to delisting the MEK.”

S. Azad, Analyst on Middle East affairs and security, freelance writer and film editor.

Must Read: When Right Prevails in US, It Will Prevail in Iran http://bit.ly/HdIgVS
State Department Foot-dragging to Delist MEK
Is Unlawful
Charles Montesquieu once said: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
In the case of the US State department and Obama Administration, this extraordinary simple quotation has become an inverted ideology.
The concept of “innocent before proven guilty” has long been buried in the grounds of immorality that prevail in current smear campaigns waged by Washington against Tehran’s main opposition; MEK.
MEK serves as the litmus test for all. It is the “bridge” and a passageway through which one can swiftly transcend from integrity to corruption.
Regime change is the core argument against the MEK. The bashing and hideous fouling campaigns all aim to pacify this resistance movement.
The landmark for all those claiming for “rights” and “peace” is: Are you with the MEK or the with the Mullahs?
The processions of political decisions taken to keep the main pro-democracy movement of Iran (MEK) prove it to be highly politicised than legal;
-Secretary Rice made the decision at the end of the Bush administration to keep the PMOI on the list, in the hope that the incoming administration would be able to have negotiations with the ayatollahs. This policy has failed up to date.
- Secretary Clinton said just a few weeks ago that the MEK’s handling of the transfer of the residents of Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty would affect the State Department’s decision on the listing on the foreign terrorist organization list.
- For years, MEK families and affiliates have been persecuted, tortures and killed by the pretext provided for the mullahs in Iran through the US black list.
- The fatal slip in policy by the US administration has resulted in providing the ayatollahs ample time to build their terrorist networks; enhance the nuclear arsenal; engage in repugnant human right violations in Syria and the Middle East; kill and massacre the Iranian people while crushing uprisings. Enchaining the main opposition to the mullahs has emboldened a vile and irrational theocratic fascism in the region and the world.
- There is no legal, moral or ethical basis for keeping the MEK in the list and withholding the Iranian people from the chance of acquiring freedom and democracy.
As Louis Freeh recently said:
“In Washington if people wanted to leak information about the justification, such as it is, for keeping the PMOI on the list, they would do it. The information would be out in the public record. But there have been no such leaks. There’s no factual basis for this designation. It should be lifted.”
Ambassador Bolton recently in a Paris conference said:
“I believe that the declared policy of the United States government should be overthrowing the present government in Iran which is a threat to international peace and security through its role as the world’s central banker of international terrorism, and through its two decade long pursuit of nuclear weapons. Perhaps the most important way in which the United States can encourage regime change is to get out of the way of legitimate Iranian opposition.”
With regards to the FTO listing of the MEK, Ambassador Bolton said: “those of us who have had the opportunity when in government to see information about the MEK have seen nothing that justifies its continued presence on the list of foreign terrorist organizations.”
As Judge Mukasey said in the same conference, the original listing in the late 1990s was in hopes of getting negotiations going with the regime in Tehran. That was a decision not based on facts, but on a political determination as to what could be accomplished.
Judge Mukasey clarified the reason for the smear campaign wheeled by Washington:
“Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge that there is no basis for that designation. And behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views. I stopped believing in coincidences like that when I stopped believing in the Tooth Fairy, and that was a long time ago.”
The FTO listing of the MEK, is a mere rejection of the “Right to be” not only as a people but as a set of values, found deep in the hearts of every individual American; the need to be “FREE”. It devours the essential right to life for many and is anti-human.
“Freedom” has been at the centre of all movement where tyrants rule. It is irrefutably immoral to join the song of the “tyrants” in Tehran in the gradual strangulation of the movement for “freedom”.
In the case of the MEK, the State department has taken precedence over all preserved “rights” and is acting above the law.
Its foot-dragging and failure to timely comply with the DC Court’s mandate is itself powerful evidence that the continued designation of PMOI as a foreign terrorist organization cannot be justified.
Must Read: When Right Prevails in US, It Will Prevail in Iran http://bit.ly/HdIgVS
State Department Foot-dragging to Delist MEK Is Unlawful
Charles Montesquieu once said: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
In the case of the US State department and Obama Administration, this extraordinary simple quotation has become an inverted ideology.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

(@bl) Mek- State Dept. Vs Rule Of Law

The FTO-List Analysis: US State Department Appeasing The Mullahs

If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve the Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
Thomas Jefferson

Christopher Hitchens once said: A sure sign of ineptitude and malice is manifested when one's attacker is willing to cover himself with mud in order to try and make some of it adhere to his target. We have been witnessing the same repellant tactics in a smear campaign against MEK- US official supporters only to provide cover for the failed Policy of the US State department towards the Iranian crisis.
The core argument behind the current smear campaign against the MEK and its US supporters is that this main Iranian opposition group to the clerical tyrants in Iran is still in the US black list.

The term “terrorism” can be double standard unless defined by rule and established by the rule of law.
It is to distinguish any group or persons that choose to challenge an establishment: “A person, usually a member of a group, uses or advocates terrorism, or;A person who terrorizes or frightens civilians.

A popular saying that “One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter” simply indicates the struggle between good and evil and right and wrong.
But the moral question remains, literally speaking: who are the terrorists, and who are the freedom fighters?

The list of "Foreign Terrorist Organization" is a designation for non-United States-based organizations declared terrorist by the United States Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the U.S.Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
read more at : http://bit.ly/HJ1Xpz
Mek- State Dept. Vs Rule Of Law

The FTO-List Analysis: US State Department Appeasing The Mullahs

If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve the Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
Thomas Jefferson

Christopher Hitchens once said: A sure sign of ineptitude and malice is manifested when one's attacker is willing to cover himself with mud in order to try and make some of it adhere to his target. We have been witnessing the same repellant tactics in a smear campaign against MEK- US official supporters only to provide cover for the failed Policy of the US State department towards the Iranian crisis.
The core argument behind the current smear campaign against the MEK and its US supporters is that this main Iranian opposition group to the clerical tyrants in Iran is still in the US black list.

The term “terrorism” can be double standard unless defined by rule and established by the rule of law.
It is to distinguish any group or persons that choose to challenge an establishment: “A person, usually a member of a group, uses or advocates terrorism, or;A person who terrorizes or frightens civilians.

A popular saying that “One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter” simply indicates the struggle between good and evil and right and wrong.
But the moral question remains, literally speaking: who are the terrorists, and who are the freedom fighters?

The list of "Foreign Terrorist Organization" is a designation for non-United States-based organizations declared terrorist by the United States Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the U.S.Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
read more at : http://bit.ly/HJ1Xpz

Mek- State Dept. Vs Rule Of Law


The FTO-List Analysis: US State Department Appeasing The Mullahs

If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve the Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
Thomas Jefferson

Christopher Hitchens once said: A sure sign of ineptitude and malice is manifested when one's attacker is willing to cover himself with mud in order to try and make some of it adhere to his target. We have been witnessing the same repellant tactics in a smear campaign against MEK- US official supporters only to provide cover for the failed Policy of the US State department towards the Iranian crisis.
The core argument behind the current smear campaign against the MEK and its US supporters is that this main Iranian opposition group to the clerical tyrants in Iran is still in the US black list.

The term “terrorism” can be double standard unless defined by rule and established by the rule of law.
It is to distinguish any group or persons that choose to challenge an establishment: “A person, usually a member of a group, uses or advocates terrorism, or;A person who terrorizes or frightens civilians.

A popular saying that “One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter” simply indicates the struggle between good and evil and right and wrong.
But the moral question remains, literally speaking: who are the terrorists, and who are the freedom fighters?

The list of "Foreign Terrorist Organization" is a designation for non-United States-based organizations declared terrorist by the United States Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the U.S.Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
read more at : http://bit.ly/HJ1Xpz
iran press StateDept Mek- State Dept. Vs Rule Of Law http://bit.ly/HJ1Xpz The FTO-List Analysis: US State Department Appeasing The Mullahs
(@bl) iran press Salon FP Framing The Core Issue: MEK Court Appeal Against US State Department http://bit.ly/HwikJD READ NOW
Foreign Policy is putting out cheap journalism by Josh Rogin demonizing the Iranian opposition.
Josh Rogins’ mystery series in Foreign Policy, with a recent one titled “Terrorist group's supporters throw party in U.S. Congress |”repeat the Iranian regime’s stale allegations against the main organized opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) and do a disservice to the Foreign Policy’s record of unbiased journalism. They are part of an effort by Iran’s intelligence ministry to demonize the supporters of the Iranian resistance.
Suggestions that our conduct raises a question under the material-support statute is undone by the text of the law itself. The statute barring material assistance to organizations on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (“FTO”) says that although “material assistance” includes “personnel,” and although “personnel” may include the person providing the assistance — here, the four of us — the “personnel” have to be working “under that [FTO’s] direction or control.” And then, just to make explicit what is already obvious, the law continues: “Individuals who act entirely independently of the [FTO] to advance its goals or objectives shall not be considered to be working under the [FTO]’s direction and control.” As a result, we felt quite secure, thank you, in relying on the protection Congress placed in the statute, backed up by the First Amendment.
It would be a far more “crime” to accomplice readers into a “Crime against Humanity” and “sin” than any alleged financial controversy.
The main issue which is being submerged under this entire anti-MEK blitz is that the Washington appeals court on Monday gave the US government until March 26 to examine quickly a request by the main Iranian opposition group to be taken off a US terror blacklist, which is causing immediate threat and deaths to their families and members.
In a conference recently Governor Tom Ridge had this to say:
“You will not silence us. Whoever is responsible has a moment of quiet reflection, I suggest that they just take a look at the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and particularly take a look at that first amendment. It’s called freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech that the men and women of MEK aspire to under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi, the same freedom of speech that democratic opposition throughout Iran aspire to. at the end of the day we will continue to stand on the right side of history with the people of MEK, the freedom-loving people of MEK at Liberty and Ashraf until they are resettled.
Mayor Rudi Giuliani reacted to the hsosh posh of the “treasurey” hunt :
“Speaking for myself and so many of my colleagues, that anonymous, cowardly sources in the State Department or elsewhere who unknowingly are doing the bidding of the mullahs don’t frighten me, won’t stop me, won’t stop any of us, ever.”
Former High Judge Michael Mukasey also commented on the “anonymous” comments recently used in mysterious press campaigns:
“It’s a funny thing about anonymous sources, what are they afraid of? They must be afraid of something. They’re afraid to have their names used. Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people. Mayor Giuliani, Tom Ridge, others, many others, who would have also filed paper in court as friends of the court, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge—many people on that brief directly involved in national security affairs—that there is no basis, no reason for that designation. They were told that in advance. And lo and behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views.”
To be used or allowed to mislead the public into bogus issues in order to cover the main highlight is unethical and unprincipled modus operandi by Foreign Policy, which boasts of “FP's award-winnings” only, serves to pave the way for another massacre of the residents in satisfaction of the Iranian clerical fascists.
iran press Salon FP Framing The Core Issue: MEK Court Appeal Against US State Department http://bit.ly/HwikJD READ NOW
Foreign Policy is putting out cheap journalism by Josh Rogin demonizing the Iranian opposition.
Josh Rogins’ mystery series in Foreign Policy, with a recent one titled “Terrorist group's supporters throw party in U.S. Congress |”repeat the Iranian regime’s stale allegations against the main organized opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) and do a disservice to the Foreign Policy’s record of unbiased journalism. They are part of an effort by Iran’s intelligence ministry to demonize the supporters of the Iranian resistance.
Suggestions that our conduct raises a question under the material-support statute is undone by the text of the law itself. The statute barring material assistance to organizations on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (“FTO”) says that although “material assistance” includes “personnel,” and although “personnel” may include the person providing the assistance — here, the four of us — the “personnel” have to be working “under that [FTO’s] direction or control.” And then, just to make explicit what is already obvious, the law continues: “Individuals who act entirely independently of the [FTO] to advance its goals or objectives shall not be considered to be working under the [FTO]’s direction and control.” As a result, we felt quite secure, thank you, in relying on the protection Congress placed in the statute, backed up by the First Amendment.
It would be a far more “crime” to accomplice readers into a “Crime against Humanity” and “sin” than any alleged financial controversy.
The main issue which is being submerged under this entire anti-MEK blitz is that the Washington appeals court on Monday gave the US government until March 26 to examine quickly a request by the main Iranian opposition group to be taken off a US terror blacklist, which is causing immediate threat and deaths to their families and members.
In a conference recently Governor Tom Ridge had this to say:
“You will not silence us. Whoever is responsible has a moment of quiet reflection, I suggest that they just take a look at the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and particularly take a look at that first amendment. It’s called freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech that the men and women of MEK aspire to under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi, the same freedom of speech that democratic opposition throughout Iran aspire to. at the end of the day we will continue to stand on the right side of history with the people of MEK, the freedom-loving people of MEK at Liberty and Ashraf until they are resettled.
Mayor Rudi Giuliani reacted to the hsosh posh of the “treasurey” hunt :
“Speaking for myself and so many of my colleagues, that anonymous, cowardly sources in the State Department or elsewhere who unknowingly are doing the bidding of the mullahs don’t frighten me, won’t stop me, won’t stop any of us, ever.”
Former High Judge Michael Mukasey also commented on the “anonymous” comments recently used in mysterious press campaigns:
“It’s a funny thing about anonymous sources, what are they afraid of? They must be afraid of something. They’re afraid to have their names used. Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people. Mayor Giuliani, Tom Ridge, others, many others, who would have also filed paper in court as friends of the court, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge—many people on that brief directly involved in national security affairs—that there is no basis, no reason for that designation. They were told that in advance. And lo and behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views.”
To be used or allowed to mislead the public into bogus issues in order to cover the main highlight is unethical and unprincipled modus operandi by Foreign Policy, which boasts of “FP's award-winnings” only, serves to pave the way for another massacre of the residents in satisfaction of the Iranian clerical fascists.
iran press Salon FP Framing The Core Issue: MEK Court Appeal Against US State Department http://bit.ly/HwikJD READ NOW
Foreign Policy is putting out cheap journalism by Josh Rogin demonizing the Iranian opposition.
Josh Rogins’ mystery series in Foreign Policy, with a recent one titled “Terrorist group's supporters throw party in U.S. Congress |”repeat the Iranian regime’s stale allegations against the main organized opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) and do a disservice to the Foreign Policy’s record of unbiased journalism. They are part of an effort by Iran’s intelligence ministry to demonize the supporters of the Iranian resistance.
Suggestions that our conduct raises a question under the material-support statute is undone by the text of the law itself. The statute barring material assistance to organizations on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (“FTO”) says that although “material assistance” includes “personnel,” and although “personnel” may include the person providing the assistance — here, the four of us — the “personnel” have to be working “under that [FTO’s] direction or control.” And then, just to make explicit what is already obvious, the law continues: “Individuals who act entirely independently of the [FTO] to advance its goals or objectives shall not be considered to be working under the [FTO]’s direction and control.” As a result, we felt quite secure, thank you, in relying on the protection Congress placed in the statute, backed up by the First Amendment.
It would be a far more “crime” to accomplice readers into a “Crime against Humanity” and “sin” than any alleged financial controversy.
The main issue which is being submerged under this entire anti-MEK blitz is that the Washington appeals court on Monday gave the US government until March 26 to examine quickly a request by the main Iranian opposition group to be taken off a US terror blacklist, which is causing immediate threat and deaths to their families and members.
In a conference recently Governor Tom Ridge had this to say:
“You will not silence us. Whoever is responsible has a moment of quiet reflection, I suggest that they just take a look at the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and particularly take a look at that first amendment. It’s called freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech that the men and women of MEK aspire to under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi, the same freedom of speech that democratic opposition throughout Iran aspire to. at the end of the day we will continue to stand on the right side of history with the people of MEK, the freedom-loving people of MEK at Liberty and Ashraf until they are resettled.
Mayor Rudi Giuliani reacted to the hsosh posh of the “treasurey” hunt :
“Speaking for myself and so many of my colleagues, that anonymous, cowardly sources in the State Department or elsewhere who unknowingly are doing the bidding of the mullahs don’t frighten me, won’t stop me, won’t stop any of us, ever.”
Former High Judge Michael Mukasey also commented on the “anonymous” comments recently used in mysterious press campaigns:
“It’s a funny thing about anonymous sources, what are they afraid of? They must be afraid of something. They’re afraid to have their names used. Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people. Mayor Giuliani, Tom Ridge, others, many others, who would have also filed paper in court as friends of the court, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge—many people on that brief directly involved in national security affairs—that there is no basis, no reason for that designation. They were told that in advance. And lo and behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views.”
To be used or allowed to mislead the public into bogus issues in order to cover the main highlight is unethical and unprincipled modus operandi by Foreign Policy, which boasts of “FP's award-winnings” only, serves to pave the way for another massacre of the residents in satisfaction of the Iranian clerical fascists.