Saturday 30 June 2012

Starving and dehydrating MEK /Liberty residents: US-UN observers still silent/
No food; No water policy of Iraqi government on Liberty; coupled by Iraqi officials’ claimed ‘no status’ of MEK residents in Camp: a prelude to massacre and in violation of the Geneva Convention and Iraqi law./
Iraqi officials recently used the US black listing of the Iranian pro-democracy group, MEK, as a green light to lay the plot for their massacre. The residents’ representatives have repeatedly asked UNAMI representatives to compel Iraq to abide by its commitments and demanded that the police inspect the food trucks, but this has been rejected by the Suppression Committee, which is acting on behalf of the Maliki office and at the behest of Tehran.
The disgrace of prevented entry to the European Parliament and United Nations’ at Geneva was paid off by the Iraqi delegation head, George Yacoub Bakoos, Deputy to the oppression committee for Ashraf, and Nouri al-Maliki’s Political Advisor.
The status of the residents have been asserted by Iraqi courts in a number of court rulings in 2005 and 2006 while the UN special representative Martin Kobler confirmed the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf according to international humanitarian laws during the UN Security Council meeting of December 6, 2011.
Two thousand residents of Camp Ashraf have been transferred to the new location considered by many International lawmakers as a “prison” set to deprive opposition members of basic needs and dissuade them from activities against Tehran.
According to the NCRI Statement the outcome of such claims and ploys only prove “the ‘Temporary Transit Location (TTL) project has failed” and continuing to impose restriction on members of the opposition in both camps serve the religious fascism ruling Iran “ in direct violation of the Iraqi laws, the Geneva Conventions, the MOU, the letters of Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG), the UNHCR statements, and rulings by the courts in Iraq, Europe.”
The recent maneuvered claim is the de facto abandoning of the MOU by the GOI and is setting the stage for massacre and growing suppression of the members of the Iranian opposition, based on the U.S. terror list.

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