Friday 17 February 2012

Camp Ashraf home to the survivors of the 1988 massacre is being annihilated gradually in a mutual plot between the Iranian Intelligence agency and the pro-Iran Maliki government that is not at all popular in Iraq. The UNAMI has an obligation to see a peaceful translocation of its 34000 residents to a safe camp liberty under supervision of the UN. this is because the Iraqi forces so far have lead a bloody attack against the peaceful residents leaving 15 killed, crushed to death(including 9 young women) and killed later because they were not allowed medical care by Iraqi forces who besiege the camp. Recently MR. Cobbler the UN representative has given way to the pressures by Iran , They have approved the standards of the new so called camp while other independent generals such as general Phillips who had served the MNF-1 during the attack on Iran and the Camp has disagreed the cams readiness and has declared that is is more like a prison: no drinking water, no liberty to have visitors, constant watch by Iraqi suppressive forces and no privacy for the Moslem women who are among the residents. This is in sharp contrast with the MoA (memorandum of agreement that the residents had unwillingly given their decision to the UNAMI representative Cobbler to decide on their behalf because the Iraqis did not accept the presence of any representative from the refugee camp. In simple terms the plans of the mullahs is being implemented each step of the way: to prove that the European plan for a peaceful relocation of the residents without any bloodshed is impossible and the Leadership of the camp is to be blamed.
So as a good will gesture the leadership ( a women’s council) has with the agreement of members , readied 400 volunteers to enter the dungeon prepared by the Iraqis in the so called camp liberty ( homing 3400 residents in half a kilometer). They have to drinking, bathing sanitary and communication facility and also the Iraqis are building 3 meter cement walls to make sure the camp is a prison. The whole situation reminds one of the Warsaw ghettoes massacre and we are surprised he extend to wish he UN is closing its eyes to this apparent violence of human rights.
The following is an article by a UK baroness about the situation

Read from the link please

The series here is to explain the true nature of the Mullah the mullahs the depictive tactics used bys ruling Iran into believing that can be encouraged to weave into world globalization. This is only a mirage and deathly illusion that would lead to a complete wiping off of generations to come. The mullahs’ main intention is to conquer the world by Khomeini’s brand of Islam. .
During the past years many including journalists, policymakers and even close to the US president have been misguided and fooled by the mullahs and their front companies and think tanks.

Title:Epic and courage of women at the forfront of fighting Iranian clerics: My arrest -part 2
As I explained, there are testimonies of a living victims of Khomeini's massacre that took place during 1988 to 1989. She was a supporter of the MEK.PMOI (Mujahedden e Khalq) which was the only organized and popular movement that had tried to participate in the parliament elections, but was announced illegal by khomeini because the refused to accept the implemented Islamic sharia codes for the country’s constitution. After which many were hunted down, arrested and killed. more than 200 000 suspected and reported arrests of which 20 000 have been documented. The subject in this essay is one who escaped before being executed.

Part two- My arrest

Note that the regime has many times propagated that these supporters killed and taken ransom those who were in the way of tier arrest and showed an unprecedented side of a terrorist to the IRANIAN PUBLIC , which is proved to be otherwise in this testimony.

d planned to read the press releases of the Organization and then chant “Down with Khomeini, Hail to Rajavi” and leave the scene immediately as to avoid arrest.

This was my first task and I must admit I was very much anxious as not to give away that I was to do something unprecedented till the day “break the Taboo of the big Supreme Leader who was supposed to be admired by all and whose image was supposed to have come from heaven".
It was exactly like a military operation – not that I was armed in anyway – only that the whole anxiety, the dangers surrounding it was immense and I remember my heart thumping as the thought of my capture and consequence torture occurred in my mind.
It took a few minutes for me to organize my self and resolve my will and take my next steps.
The objective was to break the taboo of fear and terror established by Khomeini only 6 months passing the 1979 uprising.

While I was reviewing my thoughts and my plans as I got close to Sussans house I realized the situation was far more than normal.
There were unusual traffic of cars and plain clothes men around the area.

It was not long that I realized I was in a trap.

I had already prepared myself for this and new what to say if stopped by a Guard.

When I reached the opening of the alley, just a few yards away from Susan’s house, suddenly a plain clothed Guard came out of no where:

“Give me your bag” he said.
I replied casually “Why?”.
He said “we
are suspicious of you”.
“Of course there you are” I replied calmly and
casually and gave him the bag.

While he was searching the bag I swallowed the statement I was carry.
It was a big lump and was not so easy to swallow and tears gathered in my eyes as I was pretending that I was only observing the guard.

In no time a swarm of Guards surrounded me and insisted that I should go with them to the Station.
I did not want to go with them since that would mean death, so I begun howling and screaming for help.

All my efforts finally attracted the neighbors and people were drawn to our spot.

One neighbor peeped out and shouted at the RGC saying that they had not right to take me away and another came up and kept explaining to the guards that she knew me from before and that I had done nothing wrong.

I used the space provided and asked her for a glass of water- to wash away the piece of paper stuck in my throat.

While he guards were explaining to the crowd a heavy built one grabbed my arms and tried to push me into a car that had driven next to us.

I shouted and pushed him away and this brought much reaction in the crowed.
People begun mediating and asking for my release.
Suddenly the guards’ opened fire and the next I knew I was pushed into the car and surrounded by heavy built Guards who were at the same time grabbing me to the seat.

The situation was extremely antagonizing, I started kicking to get some space or even try to open the car door to jump outside, but this was met with harsher reaction:

One guard stuck me in the face and pushed his elbow into my throat as to nearly suffocate me. In order to gasp for air, I bit his arm with all the strength left in me and this gave me some room. His outcry ande momentarily release of my throat gave me a few seconds to take a look at where we were going; I recognized Farhang square.

I thought to myself “ It may be the last time I am seeing these places and the people on the streets”…

To be Continued ...
Epic and bravery in facing the Ayatollahs: Women fight the Ayatollahs: Memories of a former political prisoner of the 1980 s in IRAN- Part 1
I decided to print testimonies written by some of those who are under siege and under threat to be massacred in Camp Ashraf , those who have survived the animosities of the Ayatollahs because they stood firm to defend freedom. They and their families have been killed, tortured, and exiled since 1979 after they refused to bend to the religious constitution imposed by Khomeini in Iran under the pretext of "defending the young nation against Imperialism, Sadams’ spies and hypocrites who pretend to be religious". Many have does and yet still survive at camp Ashraf. From no on, it all depends how President Obama obliges the regime in Iran. A modern experience for real activists.

The event took placce in one of the cities in Iran .

This is the memories of P. Abdi

Every time it came to retelling my prison memories I somehow dogged the idea and made excuses only not to confront the moments once again.

I spent a few years in the dungeons the Iranian mullahs but it seems like as if I almost spent a life time there. But I always had an odd feeling that I had survived the whole ordeal only by chance!

I was the left over and those really in love with their goal have gone.

Of course I am not expressing feelings of bigheaded devotion of a closed eye follower but of one who has experienced a world wide philosophy search and finally grabbed the one most near to what I found “the best” and “unique” in its kind and also the most “practical solution to our needs”.

I have lost my mother, brother and husband as a consequent to facing the “beast”(mullahs regime)

But I was not the only one who lost a beloved one. Thousands alike make an ocean of such examples that faced the ominous clerical regime in dark times, paid a heavy price to unmask it and never had he world know or understand the stakes for that epic. Some families have been totally wiped out and had no survivors, and some have only one or two left.

I am referring to the 1980 massacres of the PMOI and supporters after Khomeini’s fatwa which lead to at least 120 000 murdered in “Khomeini styled” justice.

Of course as we can see now, the mullahs were to destroy every value in our society only to leave of stripped of “faith, trust and hope”.

It was around 5 pm on….1980. I was in such a hurry to get to a burial ceremony of my friend Susan Shadmani, student of nursing in Rasht Institute of Higher studies. We together formed a team at that time called the “militia” a sort of a popular scouts primarily founded by PMOI leadership to counter any suppressive initiations creeping back in to the newly born revolution by what it seemed the new hierarchy of mullahs. The militias at the time were known to be the vanguards and massagers of peace and freedom, participating in all social gatherings to talk and spread the word of freedom in all parts of Iran. They were also the first to counter any measures that would hinder Democracy by the newly established religious Bassij corps.

We used to be in “building homes and villages” as well as encouraging road side “educational discussions” . The latter was always hot and simmering the crowds that always had their differences of opinion sometimes ending in harsh arguments! But this was what democracy was about and we enjoyed getting to know different points of view in all spheres of life and knowledge. Until the “Day”.

The Day Khomeini decided that we were too “revealing” and that “democracy “ had gone too far.

He then ordered a fatwa that made us terrorists and “Hypocrites” as well as “fifth column of the enemy Saddam Hussein” (At the time)

I believe he managed to cunningly sum-up all his historical predecessors experience merging them into a theory called “ VELAYAT Faghigh” or supreme leadership. The one we all witness today is not so much changed from its birth.

The truth “always hurts” and I believe we are looking at half of the truth about this regime today.

On warm summers day in 1980 I remember I was hurriedly making my way to attend my “pals” burial. Susan was executed a few days back. The ceremony was to beheld at Pamchal in the city of Rasht ( my birth place)

I was to represent the organization (PMOI) in that ceremony. I had the statement firm in my hand. There was no hesitation left for what I was about to do:

We had to let public the main message of the current on going executions in Rasht and every where lese; “This regime had usurped all the sacrifices of our people and viciously attacked “all freedoms” by confiscationg freedom of though, expression, belief and gathering in the society by gradually establishing a religious dictatorship.

It had already started arbitrary arrests of dissidents and prisons were being reoccupied once more, this time more violently than before. The violent University attacks and abductions and killings on the streets had to be voiced into the public. We had to let all know that this regime was non other than a dictatorship with more than a few hundred killed so far. So I was carrying with me a very important message squashed in a paper in my fists. I felt Suasan’s soft smile looking at me and believing in what I had to do with all the risks involved. I felt her smiling and encouraging me. People had to know.

How? I had to clearly state among friends and foe in the ceremony that “we believed that this regime was not popular anymore and it was time to chant “Down with dictator”.

This will be continued ..
Ahmadinejad owes a thank you to Richard Engel and Robert Windrem at MSNBC
What would be the best deal Ahmadinejad and the mullahs wish to get while they are facing an existential threat?

What would be the best escape goat for the tyrants in Iran?

Try to imagine the situation: on one side we have a dithering regime that is brewing with infightings reflected almost in every news article of its state run papers; wasting away because of the effects of the sanctions coupled with rising dissatisfaction within its own factions let alone the Iranians; losing grip over its dreamed Empire based on a Religious Jurisprudence; losing its long time ally in Syria because of a resolved people in the Middle East; and worst of all having to deal with an ever growing opposition which has proved to be worst for its existence than the stuxnet virus : the MEK.

Obviously such a mediaeval tyrant would not leave without a fight as has been the case in history.

The billions of dollars of blood money it has pumped into a multi-million dollar face-lifting campaign has another side to it : a deadly smear campaign focused on its worst nightmare : the MEK which has been its main opposition since 35 years ago.

Following the situation above any new analysis or fact would be essential to tilt the balance either to the side of the Ayatollahs or their pro-democratic opposition.

It would be only fair to conclude that those involved in the costly battle to win over the “evil” ruling Iran, would feel the knife in the back and salt to injury by viewers who have no real intelligence of the details of practicalities in the battle filed and are ignorant of the deceptive tactics used by the “evil” which is ruling and has the stronger hand.

It may be true to go back to parables such as the battle fought by Spartacus in the arena against the Tyrants of the day. What would happen if the crowd judged on Spartacus before he had the chance to prove his will to resist the tyrants? What effect would any positive propaganda for the tyrant have on the battle field?

What our two ‘clever’ and yet deeply nostalgic colleagues have been able to do in their article is amazing. They have managed to aid the tyrants in this case to derail attention from the cunning, murderous and bloody events in the battle filed to fictitious facts against their opposition and create friction amongst the audience who has not yet taken sides to the best advantage of the Tyrants.

A random look through the 2540 comments made on the fictitious ‘spy me’ series released by our ‘respected’ MNBC, would no doubt take away any sympathy one might have had for our colleagues and leave a confusing assumption that they have either been too busy connecting the peaces together to make a spy series authentic or unfortunately have taken the Ayatollahs’ bate to be used as independent and professional journalists, to throw the blame of the killing of the Iranian scientist on the opposition of those who have done it.

The comments leave no doubt on the “rift” and confliction the story has made amongst those who have not yet sided with the mullahs in Iran, which would leave Tehran quit satisfied.

The reason for my interest is the shame I felt when reading the piece for allowing our profession be used as a tool by the same ayatollahs who despise us and have killed, imprisoned and released religious fatwas against our colleagues around the world. Obviously those who stand for the truth and are resolved to reveal it would have difficult decisions to make since they would have to face a price to keep our principals in journalism intact of bribes and threats. The shame concerning this article is that our colleagues are ignorant of the least knowledge concerning the subject’s history, changes and sensitive circumstances and yet shield the tyrants.

It is irrefutably wrong to deny the fact that the MEK has been the only and unique force that has so far been able to stay “unbent” to a billion dollar smear campaign that has cost them lives, and is still firm to continue its quest for the freedom of its people, like any other resistance movement.

The truth may be hurtful for our ‘colleagues’ Richard Engel and Robert Windrem but ethics leaves no choice for me other than to share my shame with many others who know that “democracy can be betrayed” even by our own guild. The brotherhood of the “pen” has never been so serious than now. while hundreds of our colleagues have been enchained by the tyrants in Iran: the butchers of not only freedom, but of thought and souls of beings. It is a shame to grant the clerics the satisfaction and pretext for more killing and bloodshed through deceptive journalism.

As an investigative journalist, my point of view is shared by many of other colleagues; it would be disastrous to submit ones conscious to a short term objective when involved in a written project. Our path in writing is a very narrow and dangerous one, that could balance us on either side of the truth and false if we take the wrong decisions. The nature of our profession does not allow for “uncertainties” and “unresolved” issues while collecting the facts that deal with sensitive subjects concerning War or genocide.

The MEK, as acknowledged by 36 UN affiliated organizations, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and even the State Department, is a sensitive subject on the table for all European countries as well as the US government because it involves a “Humanitarian Crisis” as tragic as Srebrenica.

Going back to our parable: It is unethical and wrong to imply mistrust for ‘Spartacus’ while he is fighting the battle of his life to determine lives of thousands of other slaves by our irresponsible deductions and assumptions. This is what Richard Engle and Robert Windrem have done in their adventurous article when they imply confusion and mistrust about the MEK as they face the Clerical tyrants in Iran. The shameful question is: At what price and who is going to pay it?

The price is being already paid by those under torture in mullahs’ prisons and those waiting to be hanged in the tortuous dungeons where prisoners have to trade parts of bodies to bribe guards to stay alive.

When silence is an accomplice of genocide surely misguiding facts is more than being accomplice to genocide.

The price for the truth has always been high, but we should remember that at last it is the truth that will prevail and those trying to hide it will stray away.

We must remember Salman Rushdie and appreciate the price freedom seekers in Iran such as MEK have paid on our behalf to safeguard our rights today.

The least we could do is to safeguard our principles in professional journalism and not become the knife that would stab ‘Spartacus’ for the tyrants.