Friday 17 February 2012

The series here is to explain the true nature of the Mullah the mullahs the depictive tactics used bys ruling Iran into believing that can be encouraged to weave into world globalization. This is only a mirage and deathly illusion that would lead to a complete wiping off of generations to come. The mullahs’ main intention is to conquer the world by Khomeini’s brand of Islam. .
During the past years many including journalists, policymakers and even close to the US president have been misguided and fooled by the mullahs and their front companies and think tanks.

Title:Epic and courage of women at the forfront of fighting Iranian clerics: My arrest -part 2
As I explained, there are testimonies of a living victims of Khomeini's massacre that took place during 1988 to 1989. She was a supporter of the MEK.PMOI (Mujahedden e Khalq) which was the only organized and popular movement that had tried to participate in the parliament elections, but was announced illegal by khomeini because the refused to accept the implemented Islamic sharia codes for the country’s constitution. After which many were hunted down, arrested and killed. more than 200 000 suspected and reported arrests of which 20 000 have been documented. The subject in this essay is one who escaped before being executed.

Part two- My arrest

Note that the regime has many times propagated that these supporters killed and taken ransom those who were in the way of tier arrest and showed an unprecedented side of a terrorist to the IRANIAN PUBLIC , which is proved to be otherwise in this testimony.

d planned to read the press releases of the Organization and then chant “Down with Khomeini, Hail to Rajavi” and leave the scene immediately as to avoid arrest.

This was my first task and I must admit I was very much anxious as not to give away that I was to do something unprecedented till the day “break the Taboo of the big Supreme Leader who was supposed to be admired by all and whose image was supposed to have come from heaven".
It was exactly like a military operation – not that I was armed in anyway – only that the whole anxiety, the dangers surrounding it was immense and I remember my heart thumping as the thought of my capture and consequence torture occurred in my mind.
It took a few minutes for me to organize my self and resolve my will and take my next steps.
The objective was to break the taboo of fear and terror established by Khomeini only 6 months passing the 1979 uprising.

While I was reviewing my thoughts and my plans as I got close to Sussans house I realized the situation was far more than normal.
There were unusual traffic of cars and plain clothes men around the area.

It was not long that I realized I was in a trap.

I had already prepared myself for this and new what to say if stopped by a Guard.

When I reached the opening of the alley, just a few yards away from Susan’s house, suddenly a plain clothed Guard came out of no where:

“Give me your bag” he said.
I replied casually “Why?”.
He said “we
are suspicious of you”.
“Of course there you are” I replied calmly and
casually and gave him the bag.

While he was searching the bag I swallowed the statement I was carry.
It was a big lump and was not so easy to swallow and tears gathered in my eyes as I was pretending that I was only observing the guard.

In no time a swarm of Guards surrounded me and insisted that I should go with them to the Station.
I did not want to go with them since that would mean death, so I begun howling and screaming for help.

All my efforts finally attracted the neighbors and people were drawn to our spot.

One neighbor peeped out and shouted at the RGC saying that they had not right to take me away and another came up and kept explaining to the guards that she knew me from before and that I had done nothing wrong.

I used the space provided and asked her for a glass of water- to wash away the piece of paper stuck in my throat.

While he guards were explaining to the crowd a heavy built one grabbed my arms and tried to push me into a car that had driven next to us.

I shouted and pushed him away and this brought much reaction in the crowed.
People begun mediating and asking for my release.
Suddenly the guards’ opened fire and the next I knew I was pushed into the car and surrounded by heavy built Guards who were at the same time grabbing me to the seat.

The situation was extremely antagonizing, I started kicking to get some space or even try to open the car door to jump outside, but this was met with harsher reaction:

One guard stuck me in the face and pushed his elbow into my throat as to nearly suffocate me. In order to gasp for air, I bit his arm with all the strength left in me and this gave me some room. His outcry ande momentarily release of my throat gave me a few seconds to take a look at where we were going; I recognized Farhang square.

I thought to myself “ It may be the last time I am seeing these places and the people on the streets”…

To be Continued ...

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