Friday 17 February 2012

Camp Ashraf home to the survivors of the 1988 massacre is being annihilated gradually in a mutual plot between the Iranian Intelligence agency and the pro-Iran Maliki government that is not at all popular in Iraq. The UNAMI has an obligation to see a peaceful translocation of its 34000 residents to a safe camp liberty under supervision of the UN. this is because the Iraqi forces so far have lead a bloody attack against the peaceful residents leaving 15 killed, crushed to death(including 9 young women) and killed later because they were not allowed medical care by Iraqi forces who besiege the camp. Recently MR. Cobbler the UN representative has given way to the pressures by Iran , They have approved the standards of the new so called camp while other independent generals such as general Phillips who had served the MNF-1 during the attack on Iran and the Camp has disagreed the cams readiness and has declared that is is more like a prison: no drinking water, no liberty to have visitors, constant watch by Iraqi suppressive forces and no privacy for the Moslem women who are among the residents. This is in sharp contrast with the MoA (memorandum of agreement that the residents had unwillingly given their decision to the UNAMI representative Cobbler to decide on their behalf because the Iraqis did not accept the presence of any representative from the refugee camp. In simple terms the plans of the mullahs is being implemented each step of the way: to prove that the European plan for a peaceful relocation of the residents without any bloodshed is impossible and the Leadership of the camp is to be blamed.
So as a good will gesture the leadership ( a women’s council) has with the agreement of members , readied 400 volunteers to enter the dungeon prepared by the Iraqis in the so called camp liberty ( homing 3400 residents in half a kilometer). They have to drinking, bathing sanitary and communication facility and also the Iraqis are building 3 meter cement walls to make sure the camp is a prison. The whole situation reminds one of the Warsaw ghettoes massacre and we are surprised he extend to wish he UN is closing its eyes to this apparent violence of human rights.
The following is an article by a UK baroness about the situation

Read from the link please

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