Monday 5 March 2012

Article:Khomeini’s’ humiliating defeat in sham Iran elections 2012

-By S.Azad
4 march
As Khamanei determined a few days prior to the elections, state run media suggest 64% turnout for the staged elections. The propaganda is a necessary one to camouflage heightening social discontent, desertions within official ranks and chaos in its hierarchy. The “Nation” has “rejected the legitimacy” of the State, while kahmenei is desperate to unite his deeply fractured authority over conservatists and “deviated splinters” called the reformists.

According to the election headquarters- under the direct control of Khameni’s office- 100 cities and 17000 polling stations were dedicated for this year’s election. Fatwas and rites demanded the “nation” to “preservation national conciliation." However, a more in-depth view of the scene only leads to one conclusion: The regime in Tehran is nearing its final days.

Boycott of the election by the people, was not only vivid in the capital Tehran but even in other major cities, including Shiraz, Isfahan, Ahwaz and Tabriz was on a greater scale.

Khamenei by nature used fatwas to persuade religious and more volatile sections of his supporters to participate. In his last speech, he described the elections as “similar to prayers” and “an agreement with God," and called on the people to take part in the elections “for the sake of country’s security and immunity."

This year, criteria surrounding the “Supreme Leader” cannot be compared to the previous: exploding social discontent; growing and deepening factional infightings; International pressure and Boycotts: coupled with a growing popularity of an organized resistance inside and outside of its borders, has changed priorities of Khamenei
In view of the exploding situation of the society and also the 2009 fraudulent election which was used as a pretext to stage protests against the regime in its entirety, Khamenei had managed to reach an agreement with his rivals in the Guardian council and splinters such as Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani, Kahatami and Moussavi but was also being underestimated by the main skeleton of his hierarchy: the RGC.
According to Fars News Agency (affiliated with the RGC) the first results were announced on the morning of 4 March 2012. Of the 204 seats of the Majilis, 147 has gone to the extremists (Osulgarayan: Khamenei loyalists), 32 seats for the so-called reformists in the system and 25 seats had gone to the “independent” fraction (which practically is ironic).
According to this plot the “Conservatives “ along with their splinter “loyalists to khamenei” will most probably take two thirds of the seats, the so called reformists will be given about 50 seats, the so called “indepdnents” (some supporters of Ahmadinejad) will be given 50 seat and, religious minorities will have 13 seats.

The following notes may help understand one crucial characteristic of the present situation of the regime: It is highly volatile and yet disproportionately unorganised and highly uncontainable.
- According to the MoU reached between khamenei: Guardian Council and other factions, the percentage rate of participation of the people was to be 9% more than last year . Last year the state announced 51% of legible voters had participated. The irony is that at 11am (not even half day of the voting time) Ali kadkhodaii an official of the election Headquarters announced that this year the rate of participation is 9% more than the previous.
- According to the plot agreed between the Supreme Leader and the rest of the elites, the objective was to overtake a quiet and widespread election without hassles. To fulfil the bargain, Rafsajani participated early morning with a positive comment on the election, then Ahmadinejad –despite being late, turned-out at 13:30 pm and after khatami turns-out to vote.
- .
- The election stage was severely controlled: No free press coverage, employing plain cloth agents’ full police presence and the use of 85000 Bassije paramilitary unites to curb any negative feedback at the scene.
- The election was to begin at 8am and end at 6 pm this was extended till 11 pm.
- In many towns pro-RGC candidates which had the upper security hand in the area used other methods of rigging: It was reported by a source in twitter that in one city : Ilam, the candidate which was from the Revolutionary Guards Corps(RGC) had organized teams to sell to gain votes of the locals which called the whole sham “bidding market for voting”. Each vote cost ranged from20 000 to 100 thousand (Iranian tomans).
- All splinters of the loyalist’s faction (affiliated to the supreme leader Khamenei) had the upper hand in the election and riggings. Despite their differences within and with the so-called reformists they arranged not to instigate trouble and keep tensions low for the elections to overtake by.
Khamenei’s major objective was to keep a low profile and unite splinters of its own faction while shutting the door to any remaining elements of reformists inside its hierarchy.
The elections approve even further more the pivotal role the resistance movement led by the pro-democratic opposition MEK plays in taking the regime off its feet.

The religious fascists in Iran play the terminator of the world. To face such a “devil” it is important to unite with those who have stood against it in the past three decades.
This is the end message of a Nation to us: Stand with us and we shall determine our fate.
Clips to see :

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