Saturday 24 March 2012

Council of Europe Siding With The MEK And Its US Supporters As Washington’s smear campaign fires away at MEK, Bardia Amir-Mostofian, a 44 year old engineer and resident of Ashraf, dies of cardiac arrest due to fatigue following a 48-hour-long transit inspection after entering Camp Liberty. The MoU does not allow residents the freedom to transfer their movable belongings. Experts believe this violates customary law of human rights, the covenant on civil and political rights, and principles of internally displaced persons, which guarantees humane treatment of the concerned party and are non-negotiable during political disputes. ...... Read the complete article from the link above Mahin Saremi, relative of the Camp residents, former political prisoner and leading activist in the 2009 protests in Iran, reacted to allegations that the Camp leadership and residents are over exaggerating the harassments. While blaming the US FTO list as a pretext for such violations of rights by Iraqi forces she said: “Hawks will not pick out hawks' eyes.” Some pro-Ayatollah pundits have gone further than this, and are accusing the MEK of imposing all the hardships it is suffering on its self. At the same time they have started a smear campaign against those noble US former officials who have met the truth and are confirming the innocence of the victims. At least they are defending values promised by Washington, only to keep a good face on their behalf. Accusing the victim of torturing itself is not a new tactic. The first to use this against the Mujahedeen in Iran was Khomeini himself during the 80s. “What is amazing is how Washington is following footsteps of a totalitarian theocracy in axing and knifing the main opposition to the tyrants in Iran and then blaming the dirty work on the victim. The ferocity of it all is that they tread on the same values that Americans used to believe in. Was it not President Obama who spoke of “change” and who said will support those who defend “freedom”? Is this the Administrations’ way of proving “Democratic values” by driving away any sympathy Iranians may have towards it by smearing noble men and women who defend these values?” “All the fuss made in the recent propaganda blitz by pro-cleric loudspeakers is only paving the way for another Humanitarian crisis, simply because they are condemning those who are speaking out against the ayatollahs. She concluded: “Speak the truth and shame the devil.” The truth at the moment is “The first unfortunate death in camp Liberty” to undermine humanitarian standards of treatment of the residents by Iraqi authorities.

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(@li) Council of Europe Siding With The MEK And Its US Supporters As Washington’s smear campaign fires away at MEK, Bardia Amir-Mostofian, a 44 year old engineer and resident of Ashraf, dies of cardiac arrest due to fatigue following a 48-hour-long transit inspection after entering Camp Liberty. The MoU does not allow residents the freedom to transfer their movable belongings. Experts believe this violates customary law of human rights, the covenant on civil and political rights, and principles of internally displaced persons, which guarantees humane treatment of the concerned party and are non-negotiable during political disputes. ...... Read the complete article from the link above Mahin Saremi, relative of the Camp residents, former political prisoner and leading activist in the 2009 protests in Iran, reacted to allegations that the Camp leadership and residents are over exaggerating the harassments. While blaming the US FTO list as a pretext for such violations of rights by Iraqi forces she said: “Hawks will not pick out hawks' eyes.” Some pro-Ayatollah pundits have gone further than this, and are accusing the MEK of imposing all the hardships it is suffering on its self. At the same time they have started a smear campaign against those noble US former officials who have met the truth and are confirming the innocence of the victims. At least they are defending values promised by Washington, only to keep a good face on their behalf. Accusing the victim of torturing itself is not a new tactic. The first to use this against the Mujahedeen in Iran was Khomeini himself during the 80s. “What is amazing is how Washington is following footsteps of a totalitarian theocracy in axing and knifing the main opposition to the tyrants in Iran and then blaming the dirty work on the victim. The ferocity of it all is that they tread on the same values that Americans used to believe in. Was it not President Obama who spoke of “change” and who said will support those who defend “freedom”? Is this the Administrations’ way of proving “Democratic values” by driving away any sympathy Iranians may have towards it by smearing noble men and women who defend these values?” “All the fuss made in the recent propaganda blitz by pro-cleric loudspeakers is only paving the way for another Humanitarian crisis, simply because they are condemning those who are speaking out against the ayatollahs. She concluded: “Speak the truth and shame the devil.” The truth at the moment is “The first unfortunate death in camp Liberty” to undermine humanitarian standards of treatment of the residents by Iraqi authorities.

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