Friday 16 March 2012

(@bl) What is really happening in Iran : Iranian news papers and sources
The infightings within regime still flaring: khamenei trying to curb situation every step of the way
The Clerics Supreme leader has been pre-occupied trying to keep the infightings of within its ranks and hierarchy subtle so prevent any pretexts for uprisings and protests. The society is potentially explosive: none of the so called economic plans of Ahmadinejad have worked, the infightings and differences within the ranks (loyalist conservatives to khamenei ; the perseverance front (Ahmadinejad and Mashaii) , and the remaining so called reformers such as Rafsanjani) have been displayed in official TV broadcasts of the Majlis during Ahmadinjeads’ recent impeachment procedure which was reformed into a “questionnaire”.
Khamenei chose his Expediency Council. Once again he appointed Rafsanjani ( one of the wealthiest clerics in the hierarchy) as the head , but discharged previous members such as cleric Imami Kashani,Mir hossein Moussavi, Mohammad Hashemi (Rafsanjai’s brother) and cleric Rei Shahri. He instead appointed Mahmoud hashemi sharoodi, cleric Iraqi, cleric Mesbah Moghadam, RGC Commander Saffar harandi, RGC commander Vahidi and a number of others in the same ranks as the new members.

It is most probable that Khamanei’s volatile situation does not allow him to rid Rafsanjani off his back. He desperately needs to keep the splitting factions weak and close to him, keep an open door as to control what is happening under his feet.

Ahmadinejad’s so called impeachment in the Iranian Parliament:
Ahmadinejad mocked parliament and supreme Leader
As reported in official papers the whole staged TV show was in favor of Rafsanjani , while Ahmadinejad fired back at some of his personal rivals in the Majilis in his answers.
The impeachment was modified into “10questionnaire” because the supreme leader was trying to prevent an outburst of blatant fighting in the Majilis which would most probably give way to notorious corruption of the hierarchy and weaken his structure. The wuestions included his management of the economy, his defiance of the Supreme Leader and even his views on the hijab and Islam.

There had been a petition before the show but it seems many of the signatories withdrew their signatures and this changed impeachment into a modest questionnaire which was given to him two weeks earlier. The members who withdrew were encouraged by the supreme leader to do so in order to keep the “open battle of fractions” in a low profile.

As agreed by many and as reflected by pro-khamenei loyalists in the Majilis in angry protests; Ahmadinejads replies were only to mock and under estimate the questionnaire. Some of those who did dare to enter the dogfight poured their thoughts into outbursts on the parliament floor; “How dares he to insult the Majlis and the leadership in such audience” said one conservative loyalist.

In return Ahmadinejad who is known for his bad manors and zero culture and ethics, was very rude in tone and frank in examples he put forth to the parliament. In other words he turned the questionnaires into an impeachment of the Majlis members while mocking them most of the time.
Therefore the supreme leader in such staged formality was able to keep the infightings at the lowest possible, while keeping the structure in parts attached.
A point of reminder: When we refer to members of Iranian parliament, bear in mind that most of these appointed members have a history of genocide and corruption and are mostly members of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, or the retired section of the corrupted Cartel.
A book in Farsi had been printed some years ago which I read, describing each one of the members with their astonishing crimes during the 1980s.

Last Wednesday of the New Iranian Year: firecrackers festivities
The Fire Festival (Charshanbeh Suri) in cities across Iran became the scene of protest and expressing outrage of the regime.
At the same time, widespread dissatisfaction has been the centre of activities of the resistance during the “fire” festivities. The “reddening of last Wednesday” which is originally a Zorostian ceremony but has been kept for centuries, has been banned by the clerics. Nevertheless, it allows excuse for gathering and also mocking the security forces of the clerics who are almost in constant battle presence in most main cities of Iran.
Despite lack of access to free Internet and the presence of an organized “Internet police” under the supervision of the Special Revolutionary Guards Corps, people have been able to send reports of the festivities carried out.
In twitter @iraniscc reports from the scene :

13 Mar ‏ @iraniscc : Despite the plan by regime to have very low profile this year, no news out , still people are going against them.

13 Mar ‏ @iraniscc :Shiraz youth used tactic of small home made fireworks “taraghe” to scare sec patrol cars.

13 Mar @iraniscc : Esfahan Charbaghpayeen area: fight between Basijs and security unites over incompetence to disperse youth.

13 Mar @iraniscc :Esfahan, security seemed low profile but present.They tried to keep distance from youth.

13 Mar @iraniscc :Esfahan roads leading to kohsofeh are either blocked by security and parked busses in order to stop people from going there for 4shanbe soori (fire festivities)

13 Mar ‏@iraniscc : Esfahan in one place under marnoon, youth exploded sound grenade bridge cause huge echo in area.

13 Mar ‏ @iraniscc :Esfahan despite the fact that people are recognized by security guards, many turn out near marnoon &park leading to it

13 Mar @iraniscc :Tehran the mere presence of people for charshanbe soori (fire festivities) scares the Bassijis to parts.

13 Mar @iraniscc -Tehran families in park Baharestan bullies by security to drift off. But still they are there (to continue with the fire ceremony)

13 Mar @iraniscc Tehran people are only walking in numbers. They tried to put up flares but security was high.
13 Mar @iraniscc:Tehran In Amirieh a big explosion was reported :youth used fire extinguisher to frighten off the sec car near by

13 Mar ‏@iraniscc : In Tehran : Narmak area people chant : Sid ali (Mocking name of the Supreme leader) you are the next in line
A film sent out on You tube in which people, while using the opportunity of festivities chant anti-government slogans
Link to see the clip

It has been reported that in Tehran, numerous districts people successfully carried out the ceremonies and despite regular patrolling of security, they refrained from confrontation with the chants. These areas were: In Pakdasht region, in Nazi Abad, Khani Abad and Tehran Bazaar, In Ferdowsi and Geisha and Vanak Squares, Mehrabad, Narmak, Tehran Pars, and Poonak Shemiran areas, Hakimiyeh, GHaleh Hassan Khan, Towhid Square, Molawi, Dowlat Abad, Golestan, Roodhen and Mahalat.
In other cities the same pattern followed.

Hangings and death tolls and execution orders:
Unfortunately in the past week only at leas 15 people have been hanged (3 sisters included) for various reasons. Some of the MEK family members and also arrested independent students and teachers have been charged with MOHAREBE (being anti-God) which is a death sentence. They await their fate. The bitter irony is that the regime allows prison guards to demand money from families of those hanged in exchange for their corps.
Two of those hanged have been Afghan nationals (Gholam sarani, Gol Ahmad heidari).

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